Stallholders providing food at Chislehurst Rotary Club events

Fri, Jun 14th 2024 at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Providing food for public consumption is subject to food safety law. The information on this page will help you to decide if you can provide food at one of our events and, if so, what additional steps you may need to take to protect the public.

Stallholders should be aware that the Rotary Club of Chislehurst cannot accept any responsibility or liability for harm caused to the public by food supplied by a stallholder and that our insurance may not cover any claims made as a result; therefore you must ensure that, as well as meeting all necessary requirements in hygiene terms, you also have appropriate insurance, should the worst happen.

When booking, you must confirm that you are able to adhere to the requirements outlined below; otherwise we will not be able to accept your booking. Please note that, in addition to adherence to food hygiene standards (and regulations where appropriate) food vendors using any form of heating must also conform with all applicable Fire Safety regulations.

Commercial caterers, including mobile catering trailers/vans, ice cream vans & market stalls

If you normally operate a food business from a mobile catering trailer/van, an ice cream van, or a market stall, you are required to register your food business with the local authority where your business is based.  This registration must take place at least 28 days before you commence the provision of food. Most local authorities provide an online form for this purpose (for Bromley-resident businesses it can be found at

If you are a commercial supplier in any of these categories,you will need to be able to provide evidence of such registration to us before we can allow you to provide food for public consumption at one of our events.

“Temporary” catering operations do not need to register with a local authority (but are still subject to food safety law). If this applies to you (i.e. you wish to provide catering at our event but it is not your regular business) please state this in your application form.

Food-handling Guidance for all Food Vendors

Low-risk foods

This includes items such as cakes, breads, fruit, vegetables (uncooked) etc. In general, provided normal standards of cleanliness are observed, it is not necessary for sellers of these items to have food hygiene training or be certified as such. It is important, if the foods could contain items to which people may be allergic (e.g. nuts), that the person who made the items is present to provide advice, if required, on the ingredients. 2 people need to be on the stall - 1 to handle the food and 1 to handle money and anything else.

Medium to high-risk foods

This includes anything being sold (whether cooked on site or not) which contains meat, poultry, fish or fresh dairy products.

If the seller is a commercial entity, they MUST be registered with their own local authority (as above).

If the seller is not a commercial entity (e.g. a charity providing barbecued burgers etc.) then it is essential that at least one person on duty at the stall has received (and can provide evidence of) food hygiene training. 3 people will normally be required on the stall; 1 person who does not touch any food (handles money etc.); 1 person dealing with raw meats; and 1 person serving the food products to customers.

General guidance

More guidance in the handling of food by commercial organisations is available on the Food Standards Agency website ( and, in particular, in their publication ‘Safer Food - Better Business’, available at


If you require further advice or guidance, if you are resident in Bromley Borough, please email the Bromley Council hygiene department or telephone them on 020 8313 4218; otherwise please contact the hygiene department of your own local authority.

Don OvertonContact Don Overton about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Welcome to the website of the Rotary Club of Chislehurst, a very lively, active club of which I have the honour of being President during the year 2023-2024.


Booking conditions and application form for pitch(es) at the Summer Fair.


A plan of the area of Chislehurst Common for the Chislehurst Summer Fair on Saturday 14th June showing the layout of pitches (subject to change as necessary).


The Safeguarding regulations that are observed by Chislehurst Rotary

Since 1967, the Chislehurst Rotary Club has been a source of enjoyment to its members and the local community.

Our members enjoy an active social programme and the opportunity to help others. The Rotary Club encourages service to the community both locally and internationally.


Providing food for public consumption is subject to food safety law. The information on this page will help you to decide if you can provide food at one of our events and, if so, what additional steps you may need to take to protect the public.

Balloons at the Summer Fair

Our 2025 Summer Fair will be on Saturday 14th June


The Programme for the Summer Fair contains the plan of the Fair, list of exhibitors, the entertainments schedule, and advertisements by our very generous sponsors.


Advertisements are welcome in our Summer Fair Programme - an electronic brochure, usually 12 or 16 pages, 4-colour throughout - which gives brief details of all the stallholders and the day's entertainments programme.


Rotary Clubs operate within areas of service - to their local, national and international communities and to the Club itself. The service areas within our Club are: Community; International; Foundation (Rotary"™s charity organisation); Club; and Social.


Advertising in the Summer Fair Programme


No car parking is permitted on The Common for members of the public attending the fair. Stallholders that need a vehicle to remain on the Common must apply for a parking permit.


Community Service is the Club's link with the local community. Emphasis is placed on links within the immediate Chislehurst area, where substantial efforts and contributions are made to help local charities and to undertake projects to help those in need.


We are a small, but enthusiastic, Club with a strong commitment to helping those less fortunate overseas; ensuring that any aid is provided where it is needed and managed locally so that all funds are used wisely and effectively.


The Rotary Foundation is a world wide charity whose aim is to support the efforts of Rotary International in its mission to achieve worldwide understanding and peace through local and national humanitarian, educational and cultural support programmes.


The Club Service Committee works with our elected Club Council to ensure, as far as possible, the smooth running of the Club


The Social team (a sub-committee of Club Service) deals with all the social aspects of the Club. If we can raise some money for charity, then that is an extra bonus!!


Becoming part of the Rotary family.
