Speaker Craig - Batley Butterfly House

Mon, Sep 30th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Speaker Craig - Batley Butterfly House

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker Craig - Batley Butterfly House
On Mon 30 September Craig came to speak to the club about the Batley Butterfly House
at the top of Batley Park
Craig explained what happens weekly, that is March to the  end of October, it is closed in the winter.
Saturday morning is Bug Club where children and young teenagers come to look for bugs and wildlife in the woods of Batley park, and carry out exercises led by Craig. Recently melting down cans and reforming into shapes. Monday morning is a coffee morning, help from RVS is included and general pensioners and public can attend for a coffee and social get together .       

Craig explained about different UK butterflies and the life cycle of butterflies and how in the Butterfly house they
over winter in chrysalis on nettles and green growth. Craig talked of the very poor spring weather which has affected the number of butterflies this summer.
Craig said he had his own collection of spiders which he brings into the greenhouse for the bug club members to view.
He talked about the maintenance on the structure of the greenhouse that he has to do, and the challenges involved.
He talked about the relationship with Kirklees.
He said he had a group of ladies that help him with the running of the Butterfly House.
Craig talked about being a supply teacher and his University career.

Craig took questions from Rotarians and many were interested in the cycle of the butterfly and moths which Criag explained. He said that although moths were not as popular as butterflies, they were equally as interesting. 
Rotarian Nigel spoke of his time working in Batley Park and the Butterfly House. The last part time gardener has just retired so there are now no gardeners based in Batley Park whereas Nigel said there were 10 in the parks heyday.
President Margaret thanked Craig for his talk.

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