Dedication of Rotary funded Defibrillator

Fri, May 31st 2024 at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Dedication of Rotary funded Defibrillator at St Thomas Church Batley

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Dedication of the Rotary funded Defibrillator.

On Friday 31st May 2024 members of our club attended St Thomas' Church in Batley for the dedication of the fourth, and latest defibrillator that we have funded in the Batley and Birstall area.
Our contribution was topped up by a grant from Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity and the maintenance of the defibrillator will be met by the congregation of the church. 

Rotarian Jeremy Parkinson, also a warden at the church, introduced invited guests, which included Kim Leadbeater MBE, Councillor Habiban Zaman, Kat Towler from Yorkshire Ambulance Charity, Rotary President Mary Wallace and Immediate Past President Steve Gooder and members of the Luddites, along with folks from the congregation of the church.
Fr Jonathan Bish then dedicated the defibrillator for use by the whole community and this was followed by a short speech by Steve Gooder, in whos Presidential year the money was raised. Steve explained where the funding comes from and said how proud we are, as Rotarians, to be able donate so many potentially life savings machines to our local area.

Kim Leadbeater then thanked the Luddites for all the good that we do in the local community and beyond, praising our hard work and commitment.

The dedication was followed by refreshments and a chin wag in the church. 

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