Speaker - Jim Morton

Mon, Jun 10th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Speaker - Jim Morton - Long distance walker

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Club Speaker Jim Morton - long distance walker.
On Monday 17th June, Jim and wife Sue visited the club and gave a talk about his walk around the
UK in aid of the Gurkha Welfare Trust.
Jim covered 8895 miles in 537 days.
When young, Jim was fascinated by lighthouses and he had a dream of walking the UK looking at all the lighthouses around the coast.
On April 4th 2021 Jim started at the Humber Bridge. He was advised go to Scotland before winter.
On 1st May he visited Liverpool and Blackpool and by 9th May he got to Scotland.
Jim told stories of seeing the Mull of Kintire , climbing Ben Nevis and his meeting security soldiers at the Nuclear sub base also rescuing 2 sheep and a goat. Jim had a bad fall and was hospitalised for 2 days.
His story told of walking down through Scotland and visiting Whitby and onto Flamborough Head lighthouse.
Jim climbed Snowden and on 30th Sept 2022 he reached the end of the walk to be greeted by Gurkha pipers.
Sue drove their mobile home dropping Jim each day to do his average 20 miles a day, and picking him when he finished for the day.

Jim has also walked the WW2 landing beaches, 95 miles in 5 days and finishing at the Pegasus Bridge cafe. 
Jim has also walked around Yorkshire, in 29 days.
Jim has written a book about his walk and for £10 sold many copies to Luddites, all monies going to aid the Gurkha Welfare Trust Charity which Jim has a target of £50k and currently has reached £43K.
Jim took questions and revealed he had worn out 7 pairs of walking boots.

Rotarian David standing in for President Mary thanked Jim for his talk.

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