Speaker - Front Line Paramedic

Mon, Apr 29th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Speaker - Front Line Paramedic

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Speaker Callumn McInnis
Callum McInnis Paramedic and Senior Clinical Advisor with 111

Callum started as an Apprentice Paramedic with the London Ambulance Service in 2013. Paramedics are required to study with the Open University which includes practical learning combined with a degree based course.

Due to the level of violent crime in London, including stabbings, shootings etc, Callum moved to York in 2020 during the second lockdown, where he found life and work to be much quieter. 
Callum explained how 999 calls are categorised with a target response of 7 minutes, though the average response time is 18 minutes!
There's been a massive change in the service since the days of the 'old-fashioned' ambulance drivers. Although technicians still work for the service, these are being replaced by highly qualified paramedics. In addition, First Responders work hand in hand with paramedics and they can administer more medication, including higher levels of pain killers. 
Specialist units are also being developed including Mental Health Teams and specialist units who deal with things like chemical spills. Victims of strokes, heart attack, burns, RTA's are all taken to specialist units in specialist hospitals. 
An NHS 111 health advisor assesses a patient by using a script to obtain vital information which allows the call handler to advise the next move which may mean a call to 999, speak to a clinical advisor or doctor or refer a patient to their GP. NHS 111 also gives medical advice and repeat prescriptions.
Callum touched on the work of the Trade Unions of which there are three, who help to ensure a fair working environment and offer support to staff where needed. 
He then finished by telling us of the practical help paramedics give, especially to older people; spending time talking to them, making cups of tea, changing light bulbs....whatever they need really!

Following questions, President Mary thanked Callum for a very interesting and informative talk and members showed their appreciation in the usual way. Jeremy

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