'What We Do' Main Pages:
Making Rotary Relevant to Business
moreAn update regarding the ongoing project in Tanzania by our friends at The Mud House Children’s Foundation.
more50% contribution towards the cost of a new dishwasher at their Kingsley Bordon Centre. The funds had been raised by Rotary over the Christmas period by various public collections and the Yuletide Festival .
moreTeabag stands for The Education and Book Appeal for Ghana, which provides equipment, books, and educational facilities to three villages in Ghana
moreFeaturing a family short walk at 5.30 pm, followed by a twilight yomp starting at 7.30 pm, finishing in the dark at close to 10.00 pm
moreTo celebrate 70 years of the NHS we purchased a Dopplex ABIlity machine for use at the Alton Community Hospital.