Mercy Ships Challenge - Accepted and Exceeded!

We are all delighted that the Mercy Ships Challenge to raise $1 has been completed

Dear Rotary Friends,

As I stood on the stage in Nottingham at the Rotary Great Britain and Ireland Show Case in May 2019 and issued the challenge to pursue a Million Dollar Global Grant to support the work of Mercy Ships, I didn't know how things would work out. Was it wishful thinking to dare to dream that Rotarians would be inspired to change the health outcomes of a whole continent?

What has transpired reminds us all that dreams can become reality, that sometimes voicing a wish can make that wish come true.

So I write to you today to say Thank You - thanking you for being the inspiration that enable your club to catch the vison and make a contribution to the Mercy Ships Global Grant.

All those contributions added up to a Global Grant of $1.25 million - a sum pf money that will change the lives of thousands of individuals where the Global Mercy will be deployed. But it is not just those individuals that will be given the opportunity of a new life - their families and their community will be changed too, and the health outcomes of a nation will be changed for the better.

Thank you for being the inspiration that has connected the world, and now Rotary and Mercy Ships will be opening opportunities not just this year but for years to come, to bring health and healing to some of the poorest nations in the world.

Debbie Hodge
President of Rotary Great Britain and Ireland 2018-19

We are delighted to announce that the Rotary Foundation Global Grant for $1.125 million has been approved. This grant will pay for a brand new state of the art CT scanner, and other equipment, onboard the Global Mercy which launches next year. This is the world’s first purpose built hospital ship and will double the impact on healthcare systems throughout west Africa.

The Global Mercy is the largest purpose-built NGO hospital ship. It will double the impact of Mercy Ships on healthcare systems throughout West Africa.

The money will provide a range of sophisticated medical equipment for Decks 3 & 4: the ship’s hospital decks with six operating theatres, three infection isolation rooms, 147 ward beds, six post-operative recovery beds and four intensive care beds. It will also provide training and education for local healthcare workers.

Joanne Balaam, Mercy Ships UK Acting Executive Director says:-

"Mercy Ships is delighted to continue our long-standing partnerships with Rotary internationally. The Global Grant of $1.125M will fund equipment onboard our new teaching hospital, Global Mercy, to realise a shared vision as we increase our capacity with this addition to our fleet: to build self-sustaining health care systems, to change and save significantly more lives than ever before, and to leave a lasting legacy across the countries of Africa. To everyone who donated to this incredible campaign from all around the world, your gift truly makes a difference: Thank you!"


Henry Clarke, Mercy Ships UK Chairman, who some of use heard at Conference this year said:- 

“Mercy Ships UK is privileged to be partnering once again with Rotary International. Ever since the first partnership with Rotary back in 2006, I have been truly amazed at the unwavering commitment and depth of interest of so many Rotarians in the life changing surgical work of Mercy Ships. The equipment that we are now able to procure and install within our new teaching hospital ship, Global Mercy, with the monies raised by hundreds of Rotary Clubs in the UK and overseas, will help to transform the lives of literally thousands of the world's most poor and needy who would otherwise be without hope. Thank you in advance on behalf of all those who you will have helped!”


Debbie Hodge PP Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland also said:-

"Little acts of kindness and generosity make a huge difference in an individuals life, but join up all that kindness and generosity and you can change the lives of whole communities, whole nations and even a whole continent. This Global Grant of 1.125 million dollars will do that! It will change the health outcomes in every country the Global Mercy visits and the legacy will be seen for generations to come. From Inspiration, to Connecting the World, and now Rotary Opens Opportunities to bring surgical care, education and training to West Africa. Thank you to the Grants Team of District 1260 and all who made a contributions, and the Mercy Ships team - our partners in making a difference."

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The young chef competition was held on the 19th November at Pipers Corner School.

Rotary at Chesham Carnival

Chesham Rotary Club members were pleased to be involved in this year’s Chesham Schools Carnival, the main event being in Lowndes Park.


Chiltern Hills Academy launches its first Interact Club

Young Citizen

Chesham Rotary awards this years 'Young Citizen' to Jenson Thomas


A great BBQ with good music and lovely weather. September 2019


Chesham Rotary has one or two speakers or visitors each month during our meetings. Have a look at what has been happening recently.

Zoom Tea

On Wednesday 17th June, President Jeremy Wyman arranged for a special event to mark the end of his Presidency. A VIRTUAL CREAM TEA !!!


Rotarians Mervyn Edwards and Chris Marsh give their report to members concerning the Christmas 2021 activities


Chesham Rotary Club would like to thank residents and visitors to Chesham who supported our Christmas Float over the Christmas period and made our collections for local charities such a success. You can donate here

Inner Wheel Putting Evening

On Tuesday 17th July 2018 the annual titanic struggle took place between opposing teams for the 'Texas Scramble’ golfing match. This was followed by the putting competition and supper organised and hosted by Inner Wheel.


On Wednesday 17th July 2024 the Rotary Club of Chesham were invited to visit Heritage House as a thank you for the work undertaken by some of our members


The Rotary Clubs of Amersham, Chesham and Great Missenden extend their congratulations to all the winners.


Letters of thanks received by Chesham Rotary


Please use this link if you wish to donate to Chesham Rotary

Peace in the Park

A huge 'thank you' to every single person who came along.


Santa's Sleigh schedule is now finished for Christmas 2023. He has visited streets in and around Chesham.


The Rotary Club of Chesham promises to respect the confidentiality of any personal data members or supporters share with us.


A great time was had by all at Chesham Rotary's black tie dinner on Saturday 22nd April


Celebration of 25 years of the Chess Valley Male Voice Choir. Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Chesham 23rd March 2019

Presentation of cheques

Chesham Rotary have made several donations recently.


Rotary recognises the service given by one member of the Chiltern Chamber of commerce who has given unselfish support to the community for many years.

Theatre Shed

Cheques have been presented to those organisations that collected with the Rotary Santa Sleigh

PHF Awards

At the end of June, The Rotary Club of Chesham presented two local people with the most prestigious award from Rotary Foundation and International – THE PAUL HARRIS FELLOWSHIP.


Entries are now closed. We will keep you updated with the results.

Santa Tracker

In Christmas 2017 Chesham Club pushed the technology barrier and used an Online Tracker System to pin point the actual location of Santa directly onto the club website as it was happening.

Stroke Awareness Day

The Rotary Club of Chesham once again organised the annual Stroke Awareness Day on Saturday 12th May 2018


Chiltern Hills Academy Interact Club supporting Wrap Up and Stroke Awareness

Paul Harris Award

Presentation of the Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Paul Brooks on Sunday 19th May 2019

Chesham Grammar

The Mayor of Chesham, Rotary Club of Chesham and Chiltern Chamber of Commerce were delighted to present a Special Recognition Award to the students of Chesham Grammar School

Crocus Planting

Crocus planting for World Polio Day Wednesday 24th October 2018

Technology Tournament 2019

A Technology Tournament was hosted by the Chiltern Hills Academy on Friday 1st March organised by the Rotary Clubs of Amersham, Chesham, and Great Missenden.

Ivingswood Planting

Report on the work at Ivingswood during August and September 2020, by Chesham Rotary.


The Youth Council of Chesham organised the inaugural Chesham and Villages Young People Community Awards

Young Musician District Final

Chesham Rotary Candidate, Greg Bealing, Wins the District Final

Rotary Youth Competitions

Thousands of youngsters take part every year in our youth competitions which in most cases take the form of regional heats followed by a national final. The majority are categorised into junior, intermediate and advanced age groups.

Putting Evening

Over 50 members of the two clubs took part in this event held at Little Hay Golf Complex


On the 19th August members of Chesham Club and guests attended President Kalpesh Patel's Barbecue.

Young Chef Winner 2019

The Rotary Young Chef competition was held on Saturday 12th January 2019 at Piper's Corner School

Young Photographer

Chesham Rotary Club held the local round of the National Young Photographer competition, where local youngsters took photos based on a ‘Wild Nature‘ theme.


Chesham Rotary were delighted to be able to help the volunteers of the Toy Bank


Next Route

Old Town Route

The Water Slide

In May this year Chesham Rotary Club supported Mayor Emily Culverhouse in the Mayor’s Charity Water Slide Event held in Lowndes Park.


Rotary Club of Chesham's Peace in the Park 2023: A Resounding Success and Celebration of Unity

Morgan Car Factory

Chesham Rotarians and partners visited the Morgan car factory on the 28th March 2019

Silversons Presentation

Silverson Machines Limited recognised for Excellence in Manufacturing and services to the Chesham Community.


What's been happening in Chesham in preperation for the Christmas festivities

Arts Festival 2019

Chesham Rotary helped with stewarding and presented 2 bursaries.

Chesham Rotary Logo

Chesham Rotary has been around for 75 years. We are an organisation of practical action and we are proud of the Chesham community rising to the current challenge.


The Rotary Club of Chesham are supporting Chiltern Music Therapy and other local groups (who have or do support dementia suffers and carers). The walk in the beautiful Chiltern Hills took place on Sunday 4th September 2022.


Looking for something fun and entertaining to add the “WOW” factor to your event whilst also allowing you to raise additional funds for your cause!! Look no further than using the Rotary Club of Chesham Games.

Presentation to Heritage House

Chesham Rotary club has donated a commercial microwave and a blender for use in the cafe


A Technology Tournament was hosted by the Chiltern Hills Academy on Friday 24th February. This was organised by the Rotary Clubs of Chesham, Amersham, and Great Missenden.

Kids Out 2019

Chesham Rotary took children and carers to Whipsnade Zoo on 12th June.
See the letters of thanks from the children on this page


This was an incredible show of local talent by children and adults from Chesham and surrounding area. The versatility, inspiration and professionalism shown by the artistes was absolutely amazing.

Whiskey Tasting Evening

A successful whiskey tasting evening on 22nd November with John and Maggie Cook


Santa's Visit Programme for 2021 has been finalised. He will be visiting streets in and around Chesham. Find the Santa Tracker here.


Santa's Visit Programme for 2023 has been finalised. He will be visiting streets in and around Chesham.You can get to the Santa Tracker from this page.


Some of the photos that were taken during the christmas in Chesham celebrations held on the 24th November 2017

Chesham Rotary 70th Charter Night

A great time was had by all at Chesham Rotary's black tie dinner on Saturday 23rd September


The Technology Tournament for teams of Secondary Schoolchildren.
The 2018 Technology Tournament took place on 23rd February at the Chiltern Hills Academy, Chesham.
