Tue, Apr 14th 2020 at 5:45 pm - 8:00 pm


Club members please log in for more information.

The newer Zoom platform functioned much better than GoToMeeting and was a definite preference for use on smartphones, iPads and PCs. The only downside is that GoToMeeting works better on a conventional telephone (mobile or landline), where it originated, but this is only an issue for a few members. It was agreed that the Secretary would take out a subscription to Zoom on behalf of the club (Rotary is eligible for a discount). The much publicised security risks with Zoom were not considered significant for the use HOF intended to make of it.

Participating in this Virtual Meeting were:
Cathy Adamson
Don Allan
John Bonington
Sandy Davis
Libby Elliot
John Ewan (watching only: no camera or microphone)
Roddy Greig
Andre Hawryliw
Andrew Kennedy
John Kerr
Willie Lang
Robin Rippin
Apologies: James Storrar, Duncan Pickard.

The previously circulated budget proposal for 2020/21 from the Treasurer was unanimously agreed, setting next Rotary year’s subscription at £80 per member. This was an item of business that really needed member agreement even though the AGM had been postponed and no membership fees were required until after 1st July 2020. It was hoped that the government “lockdown” arrangements would be relaxed before then. Meanwhile there was no desire to rush into a ‘virtual AGM’ and members preferred to wait with the AGM until they could physically meet.

Reporting back from the Area 6 meeting, which he had attended with David Jack, Willie said that some local Rotary clubs were also attempting to use video conferencing, as with the Howe of Fife, whilst others were suspending meetings altogether, like Anstruther. Zoom was the preferred platform for those clubs hosting virtual meetings, and HOF seemed to have a better participation rate than these other clubs. There was also a District proposal for Rotary to provide iPads for local care homes to enable the residents to make similar calls to friends and relatives, but the HOF members participating in today’s meeting were not enthusiastic.

Rather there was preference for members to pay into the club’s Charity Account in lieu of the monies saved by not attending weekly dinners. A figure of £20 per month per member was suggested. This could then be distributed at the end of lockdown period, along with the existing funds, once a there was a clearer view of need in the community. That would be the critical time: at pesent the world is largely in limbo. The definite view was that the club should keep its “powder dry” until there was a better idea of needs.

This is a subject that can be agreed at the next virtual meeting, which was scheduled for the same time (7pm) next Tuesday, 21st April. The Zoom log in details were sent ouit by email.

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Images of our beautiful surroundings in the Howe of Fife.
