Rotary Howe of Fife Photo Galleries

Summer Walk at the Hermitage, Dunkeld
All welcome to bring friends and family, depending on the prevailing status of Coronavirus protocols at the time.
Weekly meeting
A Burns-themed evening open to friends, partners and and significant others, courtesy of Robin Rippin. It features music and poetry in honour of the bard, but is definitely not a traditional Burns Supper (although haggis will be on the menu).
Light up the Village Inn
This is the last night that the Inn will be dressed in Purple for Polio
President Paul reflects on his year in office and hands the reins to President-Elect John. Click on individual photos to enlarge. Scroll using left/right arrows.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: John Ewan. Welcome Team: Duncan Pickard (Bottle), Paul Northway (Grace), David Jack (VoT & Web report). Committee Report: CYP&VS.
Joint Meeting
The speaker for this joint meeting with Cupar Rotary Club and Cupar Inner Wheel will be Vicky Gorn, who will speak about Nepal and climbing there. Welcome Team: Don Allan (Bottle), James Storrar (Grace), Roddy Greig (VoT & Web report).
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: Aaron Henderson. Welcome Team: Bill Inglis (Bottle from Andrew Kennedy), John Kerr (Grace), Paul Northway (VoT & Web report). Committee Report: Public Image.
End Polio Campaign
Images in the fight to eradicate polio - click to enlarge and use arrows to cycle through - or just watch the carousel
Primary Schools Quiz
This was a fun competition for P6 & P7 pupils in the Howe of Fife. The winning team from Ladybank Primary School goes forward to the Area Final on 25 March in the Town Hall, St Andrews. Freuchie Primary school were worthy runners-up.
Annual Barbeque
We got RY18-19 off to a cracking start with a scrumptious BBQ at Eden Cottage, Strathmiglo. Click on any photo to enlarge, scroll through using left and right arrows.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: Robbie Middleton. Welcome Team: Rose Duncan (Bottle) Don Allan (Grace) Dennis Beattie (VoT). Committee Report: Membership.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: Rose Duncan. Welcome Team: David Jack (Room) Andre Hawryliw (Grace) Ronnie Black (VoT & Web report). Committee Report: Membership.
Christmas Party
Gavel Match 3
The final match in Gavel Round 1 will be against Perth Kinnoull. This will take place at the George Hotel, Perth at 7 pm.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: Brian Johnson. Brian has been involved as a volunteer immunising against polio in India. Welcome Team: Dennis Beattie (Room), Cathy Adamson (Grace) Bob Henderson (VoT & Web report). Committee Report: International.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: Sandy Green introduced our RYLA candidate who told us of his experiences earlier this year. Welcome Team: Don Alan (Room) Andy Boddice (Grace) Ronnie Black (VoT & Web report). Committee Report: Membership.
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: David Jack. Welcome Team: Bill Inglis (Room), Andrew Kennedy (Grace), Willie Lang (VoT & Web report).
Weekly Meeting
Speaker: John Kerr. Welcome team: Robin Rippin (Room) Don Allan (Grace) Paul Furniss (VoT & Web report).
Never.25 Distillery
Speaker: Kecia McDougal of Never.25, the new Eau de Vie distillery at Tayport. Welcome Team: Don Allan (Room) Bob Henderson (Grace) Andrew Kennedy (VoT & Web report). Gavel competition vs Perth Kinnoull follows.
Weekly Meeting - with Cogwheelers
Speaker: Jo Middlemiss ( Welcome team: Andre Hawryliw (Room), Cathy Adamson (Grace) Sandy Green (VoT & Web report)
Tour of St Andrews
Dr Ross Napier invites members (and spouses and friends!) to join him on a walking tour of St Andrews to learn about the town's mediaeval history. Meet at the Criterion Bar, South Street at 6 pm. Andrew Kennedy (Web report).
Weekly meeting
Speaker: Douglas Fraser, Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance. Welcome team: Ronnie Black (Room), Sandy Davis (Grace), Dennis Beattie (VoT). CYP & VS report.
Weekly meeting
Speaker: Duncan Pickard. Welcome team: Roddy Greig (Room), Bill Inglis (Grace), John Bonington (VoT & webreport).
Dr Donald Stewart FRPS
Speaker: Donald Stewart of the Rotary Club of Carnegie Dunfermline. Welcome team: Bob Henderson (Room), John Kerr (Grace), Duncan Pickard (VoT). A single-issue Council meeting will follow.
Presentation by RYLA students
Weekly meeting
Speaker: Amanda Fleet. Welcome team: Roger Guy (Room), tbd (Grace), Peter Whyte (VoT). Community report.
Scottish Landfill Communities Fund
This week's speaker was Lindsay Wells from SEPA, who was introduced by John Kerr.
Wilf Cameron on Bee-keeping
A journey through time
Sandy Davis spoke about some of his experiences from a trip in September to Belgium and France. His talk was liberally illustrated with photographs he had taken on the way.
Burns Supper
A celebration of Scotland's National Bard MENU Cock-a – leekie soup haggis, neeps and tatties choice of desserts. There is a vegetarian soup and haggis on offer, with an alternative main of ham salad for the non-haggis fans.
Andy Boddice on Buster Keaton
Weekly meeting
Andrew Thomson of the Backhouse Rossie Estate is the speaker. Welcome team: Bob Henderson (Room), David Jack (Grace), Amanda Fleet (VoT). International report. Council meeting to follow.
Sunday walk
Glenvale towards John Knox's pulpit. Meet at 2pm at the car park on the Dry Side road 3 miles west out of Strathmiglo. Walk approx. 2 miles along a good path (which can be muddy if wet) with tea afterwards at Loch Leven's Larder.
The Annual BBQ - 2017
Our annual barbecue was hosted this year by Sandy and Caroline Green. Just click on any image to enlarge. Cycle through using left/right arrows.
End Polio Now Campaign 2016
Images of our efforts to publicise this last year. The photographs of the Village Inn Pitlessie are courtesy of Colin Nicol