01/12/201 8 Bramcote Lane Banked 546.61 565.23
04/12/2018 Harrow Road 438.02 468.76
29/11/2018 Bramcote Lane Lights switch on nil 130.41
07/12/2018 Elvaston Road 338.13 461.06
08/12/2018 Waitrose - Wollaton 689.12 585.00
09/12/2018 Waitrose - Wollaton 537.93 0.00
Circle Collection 00.00 78.22
11/12/2018 Woodbank Road 317.81 344.19
14/12/201 8 Aspley 259.56 214.80
16/12/201 8 Parkside 539.55 575.70
21/12/2018 Sainsbury's Castle Marina 698.70 0.00
22/12/2018 Sainsbury's Castle Marina 747.59 636.77
23/12/2018 Sainsbury's Castle Marina 596.59 775.09
Other- In lieu of Xmas Cards from Members nil 115.00
Total £5,709. 56 £4,950. 23
After expenses (assuming I have had them all notified) we are left with a net figure of £5,430.28 and no doubt the club will be making decisions on the distribution of these funds very soon. As treasurer I had nothing to do with the organisation and even had to wimp out of two street collections (man flu!) but counting up several of the collections is still very tiring and demanding, but an absolute pleasure of course. Many congratulations once again to Derek and Malcolm for the planning and all of those engaged in preparing the float as well as all that were able to tow, walk, stand or whatever, rattling buckets. Chris Powell