Sunday Lunch

Sun, Aug 1st 2010 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

A great lunch and cabaret at Merton Village Hall. Not one unhappy face!!! Great food, great entertainment spent with great friends. What more do you need?

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Wonderful beach toys in our Pop-Up Shop

Supporting our town and surrounding villages in projects which enhance community life.


Rotarian Youth Chairman John Harrison with Di and Anna

Rotarian Jan and Rod collecting baby hats for Ukrainian newborns

Supporting overseas projects aimed at relieving famine, hardship through war or natural disasters, and projects which promote education and self-sufficiency.

Marian from RNID with President Linda

Club Service & Membership information

President Jan with Bideford Town Crier Jim Weeks

Friends, Fun events and Fundraising... it's all at Rotary Torrington


Our Clubs First Project
