Chislehurst Summer Fair - Pitch Booking

Sat, Jun 14th 2025 at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Booking conditions and application form for pitch(es) at the Summer Fair.

You will find the booking form (which you can complete and submit online) further down this page. Due to the significant additional time and cost involved, APPLICATIONS CAN ONLY BE ACCEPTED VIA THE ONLINE FORM.

it would be appreciated if Stallholders could bear in mind the necessity of reducing the use of plastic when deciding on their stall products, especially the use of plastic glasses.

If you are a food vendor then, before completing the form below, please read first the notes on provision of food for public consumption. If you are also a commercial entity, please ensure that you have provided on this form (or can provide no later than 4 weeks before the Fair) all the information we need to validate whether you are allowed to sell food for public consumption. If this information is not received, then you may not be able to sell food on the day. We regret that pitch fees are not refundable under these circumstances.

Please note that your reservation is not confirmed until your payment has been received. If not paid prior to the event, your space cannot be guaranteed (and will be charged at full rate, if available, on the day).

Allocation of specified pitch(es) is provisional and on a best-endeavours basis; and may not be achievable if it proves necessary to alter the layout of the fair for any reason. If it is important to you NOT to be adjacent to another stall selling similar goods, please advise us of this when booking and will will endeavour to prevent it; but we do not always know exactly what every stall will be selling on the day, so we can never guarantee to achieve this in respect of all the items you are selling. Please confirm your pitch allocation on arrival with the Rotary stewards.


The regular pitch fees do NOT guarantee exclusivity. This is only available to concessions. Certain concessions (fairground entertainments, ice cream van, etc.) which do not occupy standard pitches, are by negotiation only; please contact us if you wish to bid for one of these. If you are taking one or more standard pitches, but wish to have exclusivity, then a 100% premium applies to the fee rate. This can only be offered if we have not already accepted a pitch booking for the goods or services you are providing.

Pitch fees

A single, standard, pitch is 12ft wide x 15ft deep (unchanged from previous years). There is also a limited number of "wide" pitches (15ft wide x 12ft deep). Only grass pitches are provided; stallholders must provide all stalls, furniture, tenting etc. required. Neither electricity nor water can be supplied; pitch-holders must make their own arrangements if they require either. All pitches are hired on a first-come, first-served basis.

Pitch fees are remaining unchanged this year.  Please note there is a discount on multiple pitches, so that stallholders booking more than 1 pitch incur a reduction on their second pitch.

  Not-for-profit Commercial
For payments in advance (paid at least 4 weeks prior to the fair) £50 £60
For payments after 15 May 2025  £60 £70
 Additional pitches paid in advance £45 £55
 Additional pitches paid after 15 May 2025 £55 £65

For Concessions (standard pitches with exclusivity), all rates are double those shown above.

The current pitches available are shown below:

Once the fair pitches are fully booked (which normally happens sometime during May) any outstanding unpaid bookings are automatically cancelled (after giving notice to the original pitch-booker) and released for new bookings on a payment-only basis.

Un-booked pitch-holders may be admitted on the day, subject to availability, for cash payments only, at the applicable full rate (but please note that, in recent years, the fair has always been fully booked).

Please complete and submit the booking form below to reserve your pitch, then make your payment for the appropriate amount to THE ROTARY CLUB OF CHISLEHURST by BACS transfer (see booking form for details) or to the address on the form as soon as possiblePlease only use the BACS details given to you on your acceptance email/letter.

Please be advised that the Rotary Club of Chislehurst is insured, via Rotary In Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) in respect of general risks affecting anyone taking part in or attending the Summer Fair, but this does not include cover for any accidents or damage that may happen as a result of members of the public participating in an activity being run by an individual pitch-holder. If you are in this situation you must have your own insurance and have carried out an adequate Risk Analysis. We can be legally obliged to inspect these documents, so kindly ensure that you bring them with you on the day.

Erection of stalls is from 8am. If you need earlier access because of setting-up time, please contact us to make appropriate arrangements.

Please note : Vehicles are only allowed on the Common land to unload and reload, AND MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE COMMON BY 9.30am; unless they have been issued with a Parking permit by the Rotary Club. Click here for information about car parking facilities.


If you cancel your order after paying for a pitch, refunds are on the following basis: 

Within 7 days of booking - 100% refund
Between placing an order and 15 May 2024 - 50% refund
After 15 May 2024 - no refund.

Data Privacy

Data from the form below is collected and held by the Rotary Club of Chislehurst for the administration of the annual Chislehurst Summer Fair and the production of leaflets used during the Summer Fair.  The form has been created using Jotform®, who process the data on our behalf in conformance with GDPR.

Stall data, including personal data, will be retained to assist with future Summer Fair planning. Any queries should be addressed to

If you cannot see the form at this point, then you have "javascript" disabled on your computer. You will need to enable javascript in order to see the form.

Don OvertonContact Don Overton about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Welcome to the website of the Rotary Club of Chislehurst, a very lively, active club of which I have the honour of being President during the year 2023-2024.


Booking conditions and application form for pitch(es) at the Summer Fair.


A plan of the area of Chislehurst Common for the Chislehurst Summer Fair on Saturday 14th June showing the layout of pitches (subject to change as necessary).


The Safeguarding regulations that are observed by Chislehurst Rotary

Since 1967, the Chislehurst Rotary Club has been a source of enjoyment to its members and the local community.

Our members enjoy an active social programme and the opportunity to help others. The Rotary Club encourages service to the community both locally and internationally.


Providing food for public consumption is subject to food safety law. The information on this page will help you to decide if you can provide food at one of our events and, if so, what additional steps you may need to take to protect the public.

Balloons at the Summer Fair

Our 2025 Summer Fair will be on Saturday 14th June


The Programme for the Summer Fair contains the plan of the Fair, list of exhibitors, the entertainments schedule, and advertisements by our very generous sponsors.


Advertisements are welcome in our Summer Fair Programme - an electronic brochure, usually 12 or 16 pages, 4-colour throughout - which gives brief details of all the stallholders and the day's entertainments programme.


Rotary Clubs operate within areas of service - to their local, national and international communities and to the Club itself. The service areas within our Club are: Community; International; Foundation (Rotary"™s charity organisation); Club; and Social.


Advertising in the Summer Fair Programme


No car parking is permitted on The Common for members of the public attending the fair. Stallholders that need a vehicle to remain on the Common must apply for a parking permit.


Community Service is the Club's link with the local community. Emphasis is placed on links within the immediate Chislehurst area, where substantial efforts and contributions are made to help local charities and to undertake projects to help those in need.


We are a small, but enthusiastic, Club with a strong commitment to helping those less fortunate overseas; ensuring that any aid is provided where it is needed and managed locally so that all funds are used wisely and effectively.


The Rotary Foundation is a world wide charity whose aim is to support the efforts of Rotary International in its mission to achieve worldwide understanding and peace through local and national humanitarian, educational and cultural support programmes.


The Club Service Committee works with our elected Club Council to ensure, as far as possible, the smooth running of the Club


The Social team (a sub-committee of Club Service) deals with all the social aspects of the Club. If we can raise some money for charity, then that is an extra bonus!!


Becoming part of the Rotary family.
