Two weeks before the event, the Summer Fair Programmes will be distributes, via email, to the Friends of Rotary (over 500 households) and will be available for downloading from our website ( as well as our Facebook page ( You will also be sent a copy of the Electronic Brochure which you can send to all your own contacts. The front page of the Programme will be distributed around Chislehurst shops, surgeries, restaurants, etc. As well, we will hand out the front page at local railways stations a few days before and, of course, circulated on the day.
Advertising Copy should be sent to Gwen Ryder - (01689 609610). Please call if you have any queries. Deadline: Tuesday 22nd April 2025.
Advertisements can be placed in the Programme at the following costs:
Ad. Sizes |
Cost |
Full Page 145mm wide x 190mm deep
£200.00 |
½ Page Landscape (horizontal) 145mm wide x 90mm deep |
£120.00 |
¼ Page Landscape (horizontal) 70mm wide x 90mm deep |
Quarter Page portrait 70mm x 90mm
Half page landscape 145mm x 90mm
Full page 145mm x 190mm
Inside Front Cover ) 148mm x 210mm plus 3mm bleed
Inside Back Cover ) Back Cover )
Text Content - Guidance
Payment for Advertisement by Cheque: Cheques should be made payable to Rotary Club of Chislehurst and sent to:
Gwen Ryder (Email:, Tel: 01689 609610)
Chislehurst Rotary
6 Pondwood Rise
Payment for Advertisement by BACS:
Account Name: Rotary Club of Chislehurst
Account Sort Code: 60-05-29
Account No: 22289763
Reference: Your Company Name
The above Bank Account can also be used to pay for Pitches.
Summer Fair Programme
Please note that the deadline for copy is Tuesday 22nd April 2025 but you are advised to submit as early as possible to ensure your advertisement can be accommodated. Your advertisement is not accepted until payment has been received. If not paid prior to the deadline, the advertisement may not be included in the programme and any monies received subsequently would then be refunded.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Safeguarding regulations that are observed by Chislehurst Rotary
moreWelcome to the website of the Rotary Club of Chislehurst, a very lively, active club of which I have the honour of being President during the year 2023-2024.
moreBooking conditions and application form for pitch(es) at the Summer Fair.
moreA plan of the area of Chislehurst Common for the Chislehurst Summer Fair on Saturday 14th June showing the layout of pitches (subject to change as necessary).
moreOur members enjoy an active social programme and the opportunity to help others. The Rotary Club encourages service to the community both locally and internationally.
moreProviding food for public consumption is subject to food safety law. The information on this page will help you to decide if you can provide food at one of our events and, if so, what additional steps you may need to take to protect the public.
moreThe Programme for the Summer Fair contains the plan of the Fair, list of exhibitors, the entertainments schedule, and advertisements by our very generous sponsors.
moreAdvertisements are welcome in our Summer Fair Programme - an electronic brochure, usually 12 or 16 pages, 4-colour throughout - which gives brief details of all the stallholders and the day's entertainments programme.
moreAdvertising in the Summer Fair Programme
moreRotary Clubs operate within areas of service - to their local, national and international communities and to the Club itself. The service areas within our Club are: Community; International; Foundation (Rotary"™s charity organisation); Club; and Social.
moreNo car parking is permitted on The Common for members of the public attending the fair. Stallholders that need a vehicle to remain on the Common must apply for a parking permit.
moreCommunity Service is the Club's link with the local community. Emphasis is placed on links within the immediate Chislehurst area, where substantial efforts and contributions are made to help local charities and to undertake projects to help those in need.
moreWe are a small, but enthusiastic, Club with a strong commitment to helping those less fortunate overseas; ensuring that any aid is provided where it is needed and managed locally so that all funds are used wisely and effectively.
moreThe Rotary Foundation is a world wide charity whose aim is to support the efforts of Rotary International in its mission to achieve worldwide understanding and peace through local and national humanitarian, educational and cultural support programmes.
moreThe Club Service Committee works with our elected Club Council to ensure, as far as possible, the smooth running of the Club
moreThe Social team (a sub-committee of Club Service) deals with all the social aspects of the Club. If we can raise some money for charity, then that is an extra bonus!!