Hythe & Waterside Rotary
Grand New Year Quiz
First Prize £30 Second £20 Third £10
As in previous years the Quiz is presented as an opportunity for you to donate to Rotary’s own charity, The Rotary Foundation. The aims of Foundation are to support projects worldwide (including the UK), Basic literacy and Education, Community Economic development, Disease Prevention, and treatment. Maternal and child health, peacebuilding and conflict prevention and water, sanitation, and hygiene.
The quiz in its current form was the brainchild of Tony Mizen, consisting of formal crossword clues. In its new format I have retained some questions of this nature but introduced other methods of digging up the answers. Think outside the box and use your browser. I have made some questions straightforward but in other you will need to follow my tortured neurones. Do not be put off submitting an incomplete answer sheet.
Return Answer Sheets to quiz@hwrotary.org OR david@saundershq.org
If you trust the postal service, mail them to: Quiz, 2 Stag Gates, Blackfield, Southampton SO45 1SR
Entries will be accepted until 31 January 2023
Makes and models
1. |
Doubted onion cavorted |
2. |
If you mix blood with slime you get what?? |
3. |
Disturbed? Go tee up |
4. |
Came from radar RAC queried |
5. |
Cardinal gains 50e |
6. |
Bakeries newcomer theory is disturbed |
7. |
Found close to Hawke’s Bay |
8. |
Formed from the confluence of Ouse and Trent |
9. |
Acid call astray |
10. |
Could be neutral |
11. |
Cop hers quirky |
12. |
50Hz in UK |
13. |
Distorted magical lines |
14. |
Belonged to Disraeli? |
15. |
Dolt formed from this |
16. |
Lovers sight is chaotic |
17. |
Any haul ties oval ball back |
18. |
Quantum of the electromagnetic field |
19. |
Do I hear the sound of clacking sticks? |
20. |
Matron saint is confused |
21. |
Code loses electron |
22. |
Made with an eel rod |
23. |
Bill or Bruce? |
24. |
Nelumbo nucifera |
25. |
I found it in my Adonis sandals. |
26. |
A rematch after a fashion |
27. |
Command; decree |
28. |
Bus ticket loses proof-reader’s retention |
29. |
Tagalog for “shoes” |
30. |
Proudly carrying the trident |
31. |
Could be a spring composer |
32. |
Atura is the god of harmony, intelligence and wisdom |
33. |
Where Hogmanay comes every 88 days |
34. |
Freeman, Fairchild and Earp |
35. |
Is this held together by a button? |
36. |
Aberdeenshire villages include Old West- hall Ardgavan and North Flobbets |
37. |
Turn car into car |
38. |
Suave tennis at odds |
39. |
Amoral hope anew |
40. |
“Diadal” they shout in Szeged |
41. |
Discovered recently in crab arthritis |
42. |
You’d expect it in his litter bug attitude |
43. |
Ford offspring |
44. |
Mostly paracetamol wrong mixture |
45. |
Acid ear stud components reassembled |
46. |
Found in Bacup Racquetball Club |
47. |
Novel quaver redo redone |
48. |
Initially Raquel ordered very expensive lingerie |
49. |
Sounds like an order before microwaving |
50. |
Marks the start of delinquency |
'What We Do' Main Pages:
26th February 2021 The Shoeboxes have finally been presented to children In Albania, Romania, Montenegro & Moldova
moreALL proceeds provide humanitarian aid Press 'Details' for more information. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/concert-for-ukraine-tickets-363936322337
moreAlong with our partners, Rotary has helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries.
moreClub Members
moreH&W do it in Style!
moreat Beaulieu Village Hall On Friday 3th Sept 21 at 7:00pm Ticket price £15.00 Please open for more details.
moreRaise money for your own Charity or Organisation!
moreH&W President Ray presents one of our contributions to Jan Hayter, Coordinator of the Waterside Food Bank
moreWe meet twice a month on a Monday at the Dibden Golf Centre. All queries to: secretary@hwrotary.org
moreEnabling us to Donate to Rotary and other Charities. Held in the Domus, Beaulieu by courtesy of Lord Montagu.
morePlease see 'Details'. Contributions gratefully accepted at: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/19983
moreYear 7 Oak Lodge School visited Paulton's Park with Hythe Rotary on the 2019 Kids Out Day on Wednesday 12 June 2019.
moreA concert to be held to raise money for rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria
moreRotary competitions for young people