Dr Julian Lewis MP, was
the special guest at an after-
noon tea party held for
tenants of Muir House, Dibden
Purlieu, celebrating
the 50th anniversary of the for-
mation in 1971 of Hythe
Rotary Housing Association.
Now known as Muircroft,
the Association developed
Muir House and its
sister scheme, Priest Croft, in
The catalyst for formation of the
Housing Association
was an approach to the
Rotary Club of Hythe in 1970
by an elderly widow,
Mrs Kate Muir, who offered the
sum of £5,000 if the
Club, in return, would provide her
with rent, rates and
maintenance free accommodation
for the rest of her
life. After considerable deliberation
the Club accepted the
offer, settling Mrs Muir in a new
home in Hythe, and,
having looked at the wider needs
of the elderly in the
area, formed the Hythe Rotary
Housing Association.
Its objective, which remains valid
today, was to provide
rented, sheltered housing for the
elderly, especially
those with a local connection.
Photo shows Past, Present and Future Chairs of the Association:
Past, present and future Chairmen from
left: Rotarians Trevor Hanmore & Tim Parsons,
Dr Julian Lewis MP, and Rotarians Jean Ad-
ams, Ralph Ellis and Trevor Guymer.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
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moreAlong with our partners, Rotary has helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries.
moreat Beaulieu Village Hall On Friday 3th Sept 21 at 7:00pm Ticket price £15.00 Please open for more details.
moreRaise money for your own Charity or Organisation!
moreEnabling us to Donate to Rotary and other Charities. Held in the Domus, Beaulieu by courtesy of Lord Montagu.
moreH&W President Ray presents one of our contributions to Jan Hayter, Coordinator of the Waterside Food Bank
moreWe meet twice a month on a Monday at the Dibden Golf Centre. All queries to: secretary@hwrotary.org
moreClub Members
moreALL proceeds provide humanitarian aid Press 'Details' for more information. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/concert-for-ukraine-tickets-363936322337
more26th February 2021 The Shoeboxes have finally been presented to children In Albania, Romania, Montenegro & Moldova
morePlease see 'Details'. Contributions gratefully accepted at: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/19983
moreYear 7 Oak Lodge School visited Paulton's Park with Hythe Rotary on the 2019 Kids Out Day on Wednesday 12 June 2019.
moreA concert to be held to raise money for rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria
moreRotary competitions for young people