Our Year Ahead

Our Year Ahead

President Norman presents the President's Salver to Bob Mussellwhite, missing is Richard Coghlan who was a joint recipient.

Photo above; President Norman presents the President's Salver to Bob Mussellwhite, missing is Richard Coghlan who was a joint recipient.

Just briefly I want to touch on the last 6 months, for me, there were low spots and high spots, and we as a club have managed to arrive at tonight’s handover dinner. One of the significant changes was our move from Cams to Wickham Golf Club all carried out in almost 24 hours. Just as I learnt the news that I would be standing in for 6 months as President. Beginning with a broken wrist. Life allows us to do these things I am proud of this club and its members for the way it has adapted to a new home (maybe temporally) and to temporally leadership I am grateful for the huge support, it has not been easy especially coping with the changes to the diary, and membership changes.

Moving on to the coming year as president, under normal circumstances I would be inducted by the outgoing president so according to the advice given I must now induct myself by keeping on this chain of office. I did warn you that things would be different but I am still the same person about to embark on another 12 months as President for 2023/24.
You will have noticed that this year's Members Handbook is not full of things to do instead there is a diary page fixing dates for Council, Business, Christmas lunch etc. And other special events including 5th Thursdays.
The Speaker Secretary Malcolm will inform us what is forthcoming, and you and I will fill in the blanks.
I hope as many as possible will join me at the District Conference in October, I don’t need to give you all the details as you already have them.
Some have booked and paid.
Our proposed Charities for the year are Local; Heartbeat House supporting Wessex and beyond. You will recall that Tina Hawke the donor development manager spoke to the club recently. To launch the fundraising, I am inviting Tina to a club meeting to discuss the way forward. I can also confirm that Mike Taylor, the shopping centre manager, will also be fundraising for the same charity.
I want to thank all members and officers for your support. I am delighted that we have managed to begin this year with a full team at the helm
It’s now my privilege and pleasure to Install Rotarian Bob Hitchins as President-Elect. For the coming year
And Rotarian Malcolm Nicholls as President Nominee
I wish both of you every success in your new role in the club.
I look forward to your support as you embark on a new challenge with me.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Fund raised to build a dam in Kenya


A quickly arranged collection for humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

President Norman presents the President's Salver to Bob Mussellwhite, missing is Richard Coghlan who was a joint recipient.

Our Year Ahead


Fund raising international project for 2022


A day visit to Foxlease


About the Rotary Club of Fareham


Our best asset


What we do for fun


International projects
