2023/24 President Norman Chapman. Continuing to support Global Sight Solutions and Wessex Heartbeat House.

Featured pages

Ukraine Collection

Ukraine Collection

A quickly arranged collection for humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

Local Community Support & Charity Fundraising

Local Community Support & Charity Fundraising

what is done in the community



What we do for fun

Wheel House

Wheel House

Our best asset

Welcome to our Club

Welcome to our Club

About the Rotary Club of Fareham



International projects


About us

The Rotary Club of Fareham would like to thank the Customers and friends of Antonio's Restaurant for their generous contribution to this year's Christmas Shoebox collection.

In all, the Club has sent nearly 100 boxes to the most needy areas of Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, contributing to the fantastic total from Rotary District 1110, which was last year, over 18,000 boxes.

Rotary is an organisation with clubs worldwide that has a huge amount to offer to its members. It provides the opportunity to do much for people locally and further afield including internationally. A broad range of social events are also open to Members. 
If this is something that would interest you we would love to see you. 

Please contact our president Norman Chapman norman.farehamrotary@gmail.com





***    Please note that "membership of a club is by invitation only, at the discretion of the members." It is important, therefore, that you take time to visit your prospective club on a few occasions to ensure not only that you get to know its members and that you will feel happy being part of the club, but also that you give its members a chance to get to know you. - See more at: http://www.ribi.org/get-involved/join-Rotary/register-your-interest#sthash.QlO7whC1.dpuf

Our Social Media


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 12.30

((5th 19:00)) Wickham Golf Club, Titchfield Lane
PO17 5PJ  01329 833342
W3W:  ///confining.rents.maker

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values