Old Man and His Bike - Lands End to John O'Groats

Frank's Week 1 Blog

Check out the full 1,000 mile route here – day by day

Frank will be at the halfway stage this evening - here is a photo collage of the first 7 days, and day-by-day reports of his progress are below. 

*** Note that on a smartphone Week 2 Blog 2 may appear under Week 1 Blog ***

Day 1:  Sunday 2 June - Land's End to St Austell

60 miles | 5309 ft 

Day 2:  Monday 3 June - St Austell to Moretonhampstead 

        77 miles | 5561 ft 

Day 3:  Tuesday 4 June - Moretonhampstead to Wookey Hole 

83 miles | 4236 ft 

Day 4:  Wednesday 5 June - Wookey Hole to Hereford

67 miles | 4868 ft 

Day 5:  Thursday 6 June - Hereford to Shrewsbury

        76 miles | 3235 ft 

Day 6:  Friday 7 June - Shrewsbury to Leigh

79 miles | 1888 ft 

Day 7:  Saturday 8 June - Leigh to Canforth

        69 miles | 5620 ft

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Old Man and His Bike - Lands End to John O'Groats

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Old Man and His Bike - Land's End to John O'Groats

back Frank B King, President of Nailsworth Rotary Club, has just completed this epic ride, collecting donations for Shelterbox and local charities.