• We are People of Action

  • Making a difference in our communities

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District Youth Services 2023-2024

Contact Email: youth@rotary1100.org


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Keep up to date on the latest information


Cluster Conference 2024 STRONGER TOGETHER!

Fri 28th June Our first Cluster Conference next year bringing together Districts 1100, 1150, 1175 and 1200 in 2024 at Sandy Park Conference Centre


District Secretary

News from the District Secretary's office


End Polio Now

WHO South East Asia celebrates 10 years' polio free


In the next 30 days...

Charity Golf Day Thursday 4th July 2024 at Cirencester Golf Club

Thursday 4th July 2024

RC Cirencester Teams of 4, Best Two Stableford Scores (85% handicap allowance)


Charity 2 Choirs Concert

Saturday 6th July 2024

RC Ross-on-Wye Presented by Ross Rotary in aid of "Friends of the River Wye"


Hidden Gardens of Frampton on Severn

Sunday 7th July 2024

RC Stonehouse Unfortunately this event has had to be CANCELLED.

Belmont School Summer Fete

Saturday 13th July 2024

RC Cheltenham North Members of the Rotary Club of Cheltenham North are supporting the Belmont School Summer Fete as Volunteers on the day. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE

Classic cars

Sunday 14th July 2024: 16th Cotswold Classic and Sports Car rally.

Sunday 14th July 2024

RC Cotswold Tyndale The Rotary Club of Cotswold Tyndale invites you to enter the Dursley Cotswold Classic run. This, the 16th event, will be approximately 85 miles long (with an extra 15 mile loop for those who want it!). There will be a coffee stop at around 50 miles out.

A horse with Scarlett on its back

Scarlett's Stand Up @ The Beehive, Montpellier Villas

Tuesday 16th July 2024

RC Cheltenham Future One of our members is entering the world of Stand Up comedy, come along and you can say you were there at the beginning of her imminent fame!

Caron's crafts at Yatton Flower Show

Saturday 27th July 2024

RC Yatton At this year's village summer Flower Show Yatton Rotary members will be selling their lovely crafts and prints with proceeds donated to club charities

Latest update for PUBLIC viewing
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 PUBLIC webpages latest update/review 11JUN24

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28-30 JUN24 Cluster Conference 2024 STRONGER TOGETHER!

Our first Cluster Conference bringing together
Districts 1100, 1150, 1175 and 1200 in 2024 at
Sandy Park Conference Centre

For more information click STRONGER TOGETHER 2024
REGISTRATION to book your conference place(s)

Early Bird Registration discount only available till end of March
There will be some interesting and varied speakers, along with a Showcase of 60 exhibits and on the Friday afternoon there will be an opportunity to network with Rotarians in District 1100 and then of course with Rotarians in the other 3 districts

01JUN24 MO  D1100 2024-25 Information Releases (members only)

Log in as a Rotarian and press  MO   to see the latest releases

28MAY24: Rotary Monthly Themes (suggestion for 2024-2025)

The Rotary International Calendar identifies a number of key monthly themes that clubs may wish to adopt when planning their annual programmes, events and speakers. 

  • July Maternal and Child Health
  • August Membership and New Club Development
  • September Basic Education and Literacy
  • October Economic and Community Development
  • November Rotary Foundation
  • December Disease Prevention and Treatment
  • January Vocational Service
  • February Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
  • March Water Sanitation and Hygiene
  • April Environment
  • May Youth Service
  • June Rotary Fellowships

21MAY24 Humanitarian Service Workshop (ZOOM 6:30pm-8pm)

To join this meeting press REGISTRATION
Humanitarian Service Team environment contacts
Toni Roberts and Anne Sutcliffe

09MAY24 District 1100 Council Meeting

Please click REGISTRATION to attend this meeting

13APR24 District Assembly

Please click PROGRAMME for Assembly Agenda

10 APR24: Cluster PI (ZOOM 6-7pm)

This is a great chance as Clubs plan for the new Rotary year
to get some ideas and share best practice

Please click REGISTRATION to take part in this ZOOM webinar

09APR24 Cluster Conference 2024 STRONGER TOGETHER!

>> PUBLIC (view) - LATEST UPDATES 2023/2024 (qtr3) <<

MARCH 2024 Concert in aid of Rotary-supported charities

FEBRUARY 2024 International Service News


In D1100 we have a long history of international humanitarian partnerships. This update gives the latest news on a number of partnerships, calls for support and contact links.  I hope it is useful and that you will follow up either in clubs or as individual members. If you are involved in an international activity not covered here that may be relevant and interest to other clubs send me the details and contacts. I will then circulate.

1        Ukraine appeal

Peter Walters of Monmouth RC writes

“With the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine approaching at the end of February we, in Monmouth, will be holding a suitably publicised street collection to raise funds to be sent there possibly via Hereford Elgar who are consistently active in this respect.”

Peter asks for the other Clubs in the District to take part stating; “the result would be far greater in both publicity and financial terms”.

The Disaster Response Grant for vehicles and other humanitarian support is in the final stages. Thanks to Royal Wootton Bassett and District, and North Cotswold for making this such a major success.

Unfortunately, as the war continues the impact on people and infrastructure grows and more humanitarian help is needed.  Can you help? (Contact Pete Walters at plainanne@icloud.com for more information and ideas.

2      ShelterBox Give a Tent for Lent appeal

From ShelterBox

“For 40 days and 40 nights over Lent, we’re asking for supporters to join us in fundraising.  This year, we’re asking you to give something up to raise funds for those in need of shelter and emergency aid.

For example, you could give up your daily coffee or sweet treat or give up your bed for a sponsored sleepout.

However, you can choose to raise funds – you’ll join a community of fundraisers working together to provide life-saving shelter and kit for those in need.”

This video gives more information. It’s worth watching.  https://youtu.be/Hl3PNQaYVNE

 Raising £35 could provide a family with a shelter tool kit

£60 buys a water filter giving a family access to clean drinking water


Raising £425 could provide a family with a tent, a space for a family to call home


ShelterBox Book Club https://shelterbox.org/book-club

For a £11 monthly subscription, you’ll receive a book every six weeks. Experience the world through unique and fascinating books.  Over 2,500 book lovers are currently members: each book is discussed with the author in a webinar.  An unusual and positive way to help disaster-hit families with every book you read.   The books are often challenging but do give an insight into international writers and current issues. I joined recently and am enjoying receiving a new book every six weeks or so. Remember this is also eligible for compliant.

Contact Stewart Ross for more information about ShelterBox and a presntation to your club or other organisation slross425@gmail.com


Sanj Srikanthan - Chief Executive at ShelterBox is a keynote speaker at the Southern Wales and Southwest England (SWSW Rotary Cluster Conference Exeter, Friday 28th June to Sunday 30th June 2024.  An opportunity to listen and ask questions

 3      Physionet

John Halstead of Tewkesbury halsts@hotmail.com writes

“PhysioNet is going very well, with our Club (Tewkesbury), Pershore and Evesham in the Vale now working jointly on it. We've had 6 collections here in Tewkesbury, each of multiple items. It's a really good project and one we plan to keep going long-term.”

This is great news and a model that could be adopted by groups of clubs for humanitarian impact and local publicity awareness.  Contact John for more information on how the clubs are working together.

The website gives regular updates and information/newsletters. where Physionet prepares and sends equipment.  The latest newsletter is Autumn 2023.  https://physionet.org.uk

Kieron Chappell of Bristol RC is the main contact for coordinating the delivery and preparation of donations at the Berkeley warehouse site. (kieronchappell503@btinternet.com)

I’m now able to talk to clubs once again about how to engage with Physionet and set up local campaigns.

Physionet has a stand in the Rotary Showcase at the SW Cluster Conference on 28-30 June at Sandy Park Exeter. An opportunity to find out more.


I will be sending out a note on Rotary Friendship Exchanges later this month.  I’m hoping to create more International Service-focused information sheets later this year. Let me know of any subjects that you would like more information.

Chris Firth
International Lead 2023-24
D1100 Direct Hub Member
M 07801548154
E firth45@icloud.com

 FEBRUARY 2024 International Service Update GAZA APPEAL

This is a special District 1100 International Service update with urgent and important information from ShelterBox. Please circulate to all members and anyone else you think might be interested.

1      ShelterBox is responding in Gaza

 “We are providing lifesaving emergency shelter and other essential household items to thousands of people in Gaza who have lost their homes.

In makeshift displacement centres, there is severe overcrowding, disease is spreading, and people don’t have what they need to protect them from the harsh weather.

Items like tarpaulins and rope will help people repair damaged buildings and make shelters watertight. Blankets, mattresses, pillows and floormats will help people stay warm. We are also providing washing sets, water carriers, kitchen sets, and items like nappies, toothbrushes, and sanitary items.

Over 1.9 million people in Gaza are displaced. People have no choice but to shelter in community buildings like schools, makeshift shelters, or out in the open.

As a humanitarian organisation, ShelterBox must remain neutral and a-political. We go wherever in the world the shelter need of civilians is the highest, right now that is in Gaza.


From Sanj Srikanthan. ShelterBox CEO   https://shelterbox.org/

Additional organisations with areas of expertise you can support.

I have received the following suggestions from Ian Beattie of Bristol RC

UNICEF Gaza Appeal - UNICEF Gaza Emergency.

Red Cross Emergency Appeal - Help Provide Aid in Gaza;

MSF UK | Médecins Sans Frontières who do such fantastic work in the troubled areas.

Oxfam: https://www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam-in-action/current-emergencies/gaza-crisis-appeal/

Chris Firth
D1100 International Service Lead
M: 07801548154
10 February 2024

>> PUBLIC (view) - LATEST UPDATES 2023/2024 (qtr2) <<

08NOV23 Club Website Update (ZOOM 7pm)

 Click REGISTRATION to book a place on the webinar 

30OCT23ONE-ON-ONE Mega Meeting (ZOOM 3pm GMT)

In this Mega Meeting you will join other Rotarians from around the world in giving a Presidential Toast to the RI-Presidential Elect STEPHANIE A. URCHICK in congratulating her as the next Rotary International President one of the world's biggest Humanitarian Service organizations in the world.

In this meeting also RI. President Elect. Stephanie A. Urchick will toast to YOU for your amazing sacrifices, work, dedication and selfless services to humanity

Zoom ID: 850 0236 0420
Passcode: SAU-2425


>> PUBLIC (view) - LATEST UPDATES 2023/2024 (qtr1) <<

03SEP23 MO  Direct Handbook Published V2 (latest version)

The purpose of this District Handbook is to act as an overview for Club Presidents and Club Secretaries, prior to the more comprehensive version due out shortly, which will help Club Secretaries to manage their year effectively and efficiently

The document is subject to Rotary District 1100 (D1100) and Rotary Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) Privacy policies and circulation is restricted to Club Secretaries, District Officers, and Club Members within D1100

Rotarians please click Members-Only to view the District Handbook  (03.09.23 v2)

23AUG23 MO  Direct Appeal for Support

Bristol Breakfast Rotary Club has been working with locally based
Rotary Club Fishtail & Pokhara in Nepal on a project which intends to provide electric cooking facilities to 650 low-income households (2,500+ people) that presently rely on indoor wood burning for cooking

They have an unexpeted shortfall of funds to complete this project
Rotarians please click Members-Only to view a comprehensive project flyer 

21AUG23 MO  Direct Handbook Published V1 (updated see V2)

The purpose of this District Handbook is to act as an overview for Club Presidents and Club Secretaries, prior to the more comprehensive version due out shortly, which will help Club Secretaries to manage their year effectively and efficiently

The document is subject to Rotary District 1100 (D1100) and Rotary Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) Privacy policies and circulation is restricted to Club Secretaries, District Officers, and Club Members within D1100

Rotarians please click Members-Only to view the District Handbook (25.06.23 v1)

25JUL23 MO  District Programme Calendar
For PUBLIC calendar use dropdown menu "What We Do"
For MEMBERS calendar (MEMBER log in required) use dropdown "Members-Only Pages"
Click/Tap "District Programme Calendar" to view

Click/Tap PUBLIC to view calendar now

23JUL23 MO  District Youth Services - Update 2023-2024

Youth Services 2023-224

 Click/Tap to view YOUTH SERVICES information
(some information will require MEMBER log in)

10JUL23 MO  Welcome to a new ROTARY year 

New year, new faces, new structure
Rotarians please click Members-OnlyJ


District Website Contact : webmaster@rotary1100.org

  • Current website = PUBLIC pages : information only
  • Additions = MEMBERS-only pages : non-public information
    PUBLIC pages linkage to MEMBERS-only pages 
  • User Note = Rotarian logon required to access MEMBERS-pages 

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