Fraud is estimated to cost individuals in the UK at least £8 billion a year, often targeted at the elderly and vulnerable.
Ashley's talk is an engaging presentation that covers the different types of fraud and the simple steps we can take to help prevent it. With a 23 year police career and founder in 2009 of The Senior Citizen Liaison Team Charity (helping protect vulnerable older people from fraud), Ashley has considerable knowledge in this field.
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'What We Do' Main Pages:
Club collects £1200 at Morrisons Nailsworth
moreThe Direct Membership Network is just one example of how Rotary is adapting to the future whilst complementing existing Rotary clubs
moreRotary Clubs support young people in many ways, which can be by providing funding but also through involvement in various school activities.
moreClub collects £1200 at Morrisons Nailsworth
moreNailsworth Rotary holds many fundraising events each year, and the funds raised have helped a wide range of organisations.
moreFundraising for charities and helping members of our local community are just two of the reasons why people join Rotary. Friendship, fellowship and having fun are almost as important.
moreWe help out with many local community projects: The Older Driver Forum, Forest Green Community Garden, Stroud Court, Box Wood, Nailsworth Spring Clean, Arkell Centre lunches, Alzheimer's Cafe, Nailsworth Noel and Festival, and Stroud Ambitions.