March 4th - Speaker - Linda Clarke, Rotary Carers UK Partnership

Thu, Mar 4th 2021 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Across the UK today 6.5 million people are carers, supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill. Carers UK aims to make life better for carers.

Carers UK provides a range of information and support for unpaid carers including:

● Helpline and expert support service

● Advice on financial and practical matters related to caring

● Website with information about specific aspects of caring

● Up-to-date COVID-19 guidance for carer

● Online meet-up sessions with fellow carers

You can contact the Carers UK helpline on 0808 808 7777 Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm, or contact by email to Alternatively you can also find guidance on

If you are an unpaid carer or know someone who is, please sign up or encourage the person you know to sign up to be a Carers UK member here Membership is free and it will provide a range of services, including access to the Carers UK Forum, where carers can ask questions and share their experience with fellow carers. When signing up, please tick the “Other” box on the application in response to “Where did you hear about joining Carers UK?” and enter “Rotary” in the box below it. You will then receive your membership details which will allow you to log into the Carers UK Forum.

Click here for a one-page summary.

If you know of local organisations that might help unpaid carers, please email their details to

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Club collects £1200 at Morrisons Nailsworth


What' makes The Rotary Foundation so unique?


The Direct Membership Network is just one example of how Rotary is adapting to the future whilst complementing existing Rotary clubs


Rotary Clubs support young people in many ways, which can be by providing funding but also through involvement in various school activities.


Club collects £1200 at Morrisons Nailsworth


Nailsworth Rotary Club arranges many fundraising events each year and the funds raised in recent years have helped a wide range of organisations.

A weekend in The Gower, here visiting a lifeboat station

Fundraising for charities and helping members of our local community are just two of the reasons why people join Rotary. Friendship, fellowship and having fun are almost as important.

Forest Green Community Garden 2019

We help out with many local community projects: The Older Driver Forum, Forest Green Community Garden, Stroud Court, Box Wood, Nailsworth Spring Clean, Arkell Centre lunches, Alzheimer's Cafe, Nailsworth Noel and Festival, and Stroud Ambitions.
