Environment & Vocational

Environment & Vocational Activities

Members at the Rotary Peace Garden

Our Projects and Initiatives


*   Rotary Peace Garden, Market St Ashby. 

  To continue the past work of developing the garden, maintaining the beds and general        

  appearance and adding new plants as necessary. A weekly tidy-up in the summer?

  Use the garden to mark special events during the year, e.g. End Polio and Remembrance Day.


*   Ashby Hood Park Area   

   Carry on with regular Monday litter picking. This improves the habitat for wildlife and the park's appearance for the public to enjoy. Participate over the winter period in the Gilwiskaw Brook tody-up and cleaning project run by Trent Rivers Trust.                                                                                        


*  Wilding Gardens and other Green Spaces.

   Continue encouraging club members to set aside part of their garden for wilding to 

   attract bees, butterflies and other wildlife.  Perhaps do a species count, such as the 

   annual  RSPB bird survey. 

Other Initiatives

*   Participate with other teams on Vocational Projects such as walking, cycling, and visits.    Perhaps have weekend projects to include those working or busy in the week.   


*   Encourage club members to try to mitigate the effects of climate change, e.g. participating in 

another Treekly Challenge, and to be aware of their own carbon footprint.


* Encourage Active Recycling, e.g. soft plastics, milk bottle plastic tops, and old clothing. 


*   Invite speakers to our weekly meeting to talk about the Environment, e.g. restoring sea grass, how trains are being designed to minimise their impact, counting species in your garden


Please see the  digital edition of the D1070 Spring News & Events magazine, Pages 16-19, for background from District :



*  Follow or engage with other initiatives from Rotary District 1070.


" When your family, e.g. grandchildren and great-grandchildren, ask what you did in the great climate emergency, you will have an answer" - Chris Davies.



'What We Do' Main Pages:

About Ashby de la Zouch Rotary


Details of our work with youth


Details of our work with the Community

Members at the Rotary Peace Garden

Environment & Vocational Activities


Details of our International work


Details of Rotary Foundation


How you can help us


Our social and fun activities


Rotary work with Sailabilty


Details of Upcoming Events


Details of Previous Events
