East Cliff Rotary Summer Charity Duck Race

Fri, Aug 2nd 2019 at 11:00 am- Sun, Aug 4th 2019 - 4:00 pm

Duck Race Mania - A great success


Big Success for East Cliff Rotary Duck Race Mania!!

2000 plastic ducks battled for supremacy at the Annual Charity Duck Race Mania held in Bournemouth Lower Gardens over the weekend 2, 3 and 4 August 2019.  In pride of place and overseeing the battle were Big Fluffy Duck and the Giant Duck Cake on behalf of East Cliff Rotary Bournemouth who were running the event.

In brilliant sunshine, more than 3000 local people and holiday makers came to watch the ducks take the challenge in six races each day.  At £1 for a duck ticket, there were prizes of £25 for each winning duck, £10 for second and £5 for third. 

A separate group of 300 ducks ran in each race with all 2000 involved on both days.  Launched into the Bourne Stream from the Garden Deli bridge, the ducks were caught in the maelstrom at the weir but aided to escape by volunteer duck lifeguards.  The ducks were followed by a man with a megaphone giving a running commentary and someone with a hooter encouraging the crowd to cheer the ducks on.  Great fun had by all!!

Several hundred families and their children enjoyed the Hook a Duck game with a prize every time, including 400 cupcakes made and donated by charity Crumbs of Bournemouth.

The Giant Duck Cake (also made and donated by Crumbs of Bournemouth) was won by midwife Kirsty from Southbourne, guessing the weight at 9.85 kilos, the nearest to its actual weight of 10.2 kilos.  She said it was about twice the weight of the biggest baby she’s ever delivered!  Kirsty took a small cash prize and donated the cake to the Boscombe Salvation Army BH1 Homeless Project. 

8-year-old Amilly from Bournemouth was delighted to win the Big Fluffy Duck competition.  She guessed the name “Cuddleduck”, the nearest to Fluffy Duck’s secret name of “Crispy”.  (Seen here with her brother Billy)

The East Cliff Rotary Bournemouth 2019 Charity Duck Races raised £2,003 which will be shared between Crumbs Bournemouth, Bournemouth Dementia Cafes, Prostate Cancer Research Centre and other Rotary charities.  One of the organisers said:

“This is what Rotary is all about, bringing the community together, having some fun and helping those less fortunate.  We are extremely grateful to everybody who took part, especially the families and other holiday makers who supported us.  Also, thanks to several sponsors and those winners who donated their winnings back to our charities.  BCP Council were very helpful in allowing us to use the location and plans are now being made for an even more spectacular Duck Race Mania in 2020.  Watch this space!!”

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The screenshot above was taken at our first Club Council meeting using Zoom

2021-2022 President Peter Jones handing over the Presidency to 2022-2023 President Paul Hodgkinson

Our 2022 Presidents Night at the Green House Hotel


Hundreds, yes, HUNDREDS, of children in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole are disadvantaged and will have few presents this Christmas.


On Tuesday 29th August two members of East Cliff Rotary Club built a shelter at the BH1 Project Drop in Center.


An excellent achievement


On Thursday 1st February we had the pleasure of inducting David Ryan and Bob Lawton as members of our club.


Join us for World Polio Day as global health experts and partners share our progress on the road to polio eradication. Visit the Rotary International Facebook page to watch with other end polio supporters.


On Saturday 23rd September Bournemouth East Cliff Rotary Club hosted a concert featuring The Boscombe Salvation Army Band and The Moonlight Swing Band at Christchurch Priory in aid of the BH1 Project. Please click on details to see the review.


Townley’s Bench is a fitting memorial to the Founder President of the Club


A Zoom experience of Illusion and wonder Thursday 1st April at 7.30pm


Giacomo Rastelli is a lecturer in Chiropractic at AECC in Bournemouth and graduated in 2011 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic. Welcome Giacomo!


On this page you will find some of the awards, achievements and presentations received by the club and its members and made by the club to other charities, businesses and organisations.


Here you will find some letters of thanks from the charity's we support and from our sponsors


Here you will find photographs of our social events


Success with Avonbourne College


Here you will find photograph of the East Cliff Easter Quarter Marathon taken on the day


Below are some of the articles East Cliff Rotary have had published in the Media


This event took place on the 10th March 2016


This area contains some of the the events and activities which have happened in the club


East Cliff Club starts Foundation Fund Raising through Friendship meals

Nurse examines sick child

Bo Hospital Ebola Crisis - Funds needed


A little bit of humour from some of our members


This page contains information about children we sponsor in Ecuador


Lunch in MPs Dining Room at the Palace of Westminster


A very interesting and enjoyable assortment of meetings and events
