Monday 27th January 2025; Burns night

Over 50 Rotarians and friends enjoyed a superb night
Excellently organised by John Mee, with a Haggis, carried by Ken, and fully addressed by John. There followed a Scottish quiz and an excellent show by the "Tom O'Shanter" group.

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Battle commences

Skittles vs Thornbury; Tuesday 28th January 2025

more As part of the District annual Skittles competition Cotswold Tyndale played Thornbury on 28th January and were just beaten by 327 points to 311. On 4th February, after another close match, Tyndale won by 344 points to 330. Great fun was had by all.

Enjoying the meal

Monday 16th December 2024; Christmas dinner

more Nearly 50 Rotarians and partners met at Dursley Rugby Club for the annual Christmas dinner. We had a really good meal, some excellent entertainment, taking the lighthearted mickey out of various senior members of the club, and carol singing.

A great relaxing evening

Monday 9th December 2024: Xmas Jumpers at The Fleece

more Members and partners enjoyed a very festive evening at 'The Fleece' Hillesley. There was an actively and lively singing of the 12 days of Christmas, and Chris Whetherly had produced an excellent quiz, (with the usual argument over the answers

Members relaxing

Monday 4th November 2024: Sports night at Swinhay

more Club members enjoyed various friendly sporting activities at Swinhay, including squash, swimming, ten pin bowling and table tennis

Music by Zak Lampard

Sunday 15th September 2024: 40th Charter celebration party at Wickwar.

more Six founder members with nearly seventy other members, partners and friends enjoyed a very relaxed and celebratory afternoon, with excellent food and all the facilities provided by Derek Aston. Excellent musical background by Zak Lampard.

The players

Tuesday 20th August 2024: Friendly social boules

more As a result of a cancellation in the District Boules competition members of the team decided still to play, but with friends and partners from our club. Followed by a pub meal! A great evening of fellowship.

Members enjoying a pleasant summer's evening

Monday 5th August; Social event at Jean & Alan's.

more Around 50 members, partners and friends and dogs enjoyed an excellent evening at Jean & Alan's wonderful garden. Pizzas were provided as were some wonderful puddings.

A lovely summers evening at Swinhay

Handover: Monday 24th June 2024

more The outgoing President Richard Moran handed over the Presidency to Gillian Haywood, at Swinhay, on a lovely summers evening.

President Richard

President's Night at Chavenage House: Monday 13th May 2024

more Thirty six members, partners and guests attended a very enjoyable evening at Chavenage House to celebrate Richard Moran's year as President.

Past Presidents dinner 2024

Past Presidents dinner: Friday 22nd March 2024

more The annual dinner of all the Club Past Presidents was held at Tipputts Inn on Friday 22nd March 2024. Altogether thirty one Past Presidents and partners were present for a very enjoyable social evening.

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