Rotary Young Artist -Intermediate
The Theme was 'Wonderful Water.' First place went to Ginny, second to Guney and third to Bliss.
(Thanks to Mrs Bray for organising and to Jane Lampard and Rich Edwards, two local artists, for judging.)
Rotary Young Photographer - Intrermediate
The theme was 'Wonderful water'. First place went to Izzy, second equal to Meredith and Anabel.
(Thanks to Mr Chilman for organising and to Diana Baker and Christine Ryske from Tyndale Photography club for judging.)
Rotary Ypung Photographer - Senior
The theme was 'Wonderful Water.' First place went to Libby, second to Flo and third to Evie.
(Thanks to Mr Gilman for organising and Diana Baker and Christine Ryske from Tyndale Photography club for judging.)
more The District Youth Speaks Final competition took place at Churchdown Community Centre on Saturday 8th February. There were two categories for Intermediate (11 to 13) and Senior (14 to 17).
more Over three days (22nd to 24th October) twenty Rotarians and friends were able to undertake Mock Interviews for 139 students at KLB school.
more On 3rd & 4th July 12 Rotarians and 7 partners and friends carried out 'Mock Interviews' for 99 students at KLB School, Wotton-under-Edge.
more About 800 children aged 9 to 10 attended a fun 'Kids Out' day at Cattle Country, Berkeley on 12th June. Cotswold Tyndale sponsored 140 children with Dursley club, four schools; Cam Woodfield, Cam Everlands, Tortworth and Slimbridge Primaries.
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