more A large number of helpers started to tackle a lot of preparation work
more Eighteen people helped to load a delayed lorry from Macedonia with a lot of equipment mainly for children. It didn't help as it was raining most of the time!
more A number of tasks were undertaken by 11 Rotarians from Cotswold Tyndale and Chipping Sodbury. Work included cleaning and repairing walking sticks, a fridge, walking aids and wheelchairs as well as loading scrap metal for sale.
more Rotarians from several clubs and helpers from the 'Community Action Trust,' fully loaded a large container for Zimbabwe on Saturday 3rd August. The grateful recipients have now sent photos of the equipment being used by them in Zimbabwe.
more Very heavy equipment was loaded, using a fork lift, in to a container destined for Gambia.
more Members from several clubs, with a young helper, made progress with preparation, repairs and cleaning for the next loads.
more Around twelve Rotarians from several clubs, and their friends helped Physionet staff preparing for a container to go to Gambia.
more Members, family and friends loaded a container for Fiji with re-usable medical equipment. The Fiji Ambassador to the UK Jitoko Tikolevu together with his wife and daughter came to assist.
more A 40 ft container was loaded for several charities to distribute in the Cape Town area
more Members from several clubs help Physionet staff load another container destined for Fiji.
more Another large container loaded full of equipment for Lesotho, South Africa
more On 8th April members from several clubs, with family helpers, worked hard to clear a backlog of walking sticks
more Volunteers from several clubs were busy preparing another load for Fiji. There were a lot of walking frames to deal with.
more Members from a number of clubs (mostly Cotswold Tyndale) were hard at work trying to prepare a huge amount of unwanted equipment so that it was ready to be sent to where it could be usefully used.
more Members from several local clubs, with family members supporting helped tackling a large consignment of walking frames, as well as other things.
more The latest newsletter from Physionet
more A 'Thank you' letter from Khethiwe, South Africa
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