The Weird Fish Lady

Wed, May 26th 2021 at 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Presentation by Gloria Barnett who is an author, speaker and advocate of the ocean environment. Her mission is to help people of all ages understand the amazing world of oceans. Arranger : Kevin Walsh.

The Weird Fish Lady

Environmentalist Gloria Barnett – The Weird Fish Lady

We are pleased to invite you and your members to join us in the evening of the 26th May to hear from Gloria Barnett the “Weird Fish Lady”.  The on-line meeting will use our Zoom platform and start at 19.30.   We will open at 1910 for a chat.

Gloria is a passionate and well-informed champion of marine conservation. She is an ocean adventurer, scuba diver, film-maker, scientist, Rotarian and an educator who has recently turned her hand to writing books for children, young and old. Her exciting stories are aimed at helping young people to understand the issues that threaten every one of us, as we all depend on an unpolluted ocean environment. 

Many young children in the UK know her affectionately as: ‘The Weirdfish Lady’ due to her primary school workshops, assemblies, talks at parent evenings and her published teaching resource material. 

Apart from her writing, Gloria has shared her message to several interested groups as an international speaker. Her presentations and books are based on her underwater encounters in seas around the world. She has swum with sharks, been attacked by an angry Trigger Fish, got stung by a jellyfish and fought off a deadly Sea Krait (sea snake) in the waters off the Philippines. She has amassed extensive film footage and stories of strange and amazing sea creatures. 

Please contact Wendy Aldred if you would like to join us.  

Along with several colleagues Gloria has produced teaching resources for schools, and we are hoping to provide Ocean World Teacher’s Resource packs for primary schools in our area.
Whilst the talk is free to attend if you would like to help us provide these resources please feel free to donate via our CAF Donate site – here is the link.  

See Gloria Barnett website for further information.

Wendy AldredContact Wendy Aldred about this page:

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