Welcome to Rotary in Brampton & Longtown !

Featured pages

Metal Detection Rally 2025

Metal Detection Rally 2025

You can’t help but dream of that big find whilst Metal-Detecting in one of the foremost British areas for Roman finds... So come and join us on 6th April...

Heathlands Orchard Project

Heathlands Orchard Project

Rotarians and Rotary Friends are working on a long-term project to restore the overgrown orchard at the Heathlands near Rockcliffe, Carlisle to make it productive and accessible to all again. Heathlands offers supports people with disabilities.



'Keep the date' for the following social events. Open to all Rotarians, Inner Wheel Members, partners and friends.

What is Rotary?

What is Rotary?

What can Rotary offer you ? Why not contact us today and find out.

Young People

Young People

Read about all our young peoples activities in Brampton, Longtown, Warwick Bridge and the wider Carlisle area

Charity Golf Day

Charity Golf Day

4 Person Texas Scramble Team Competition
Brampton Golf Club. Join us on 4th July.


About us

Brampton & Longtown Rotary in North Cumbria provides an opportunity to get involved in local and international community projects and meet like-minded people in your local area who want to give something back to society.  

We undertake hands-on volunteering in our community, fundraising, sharing our professional skills to help other third sector organisations and schools. We have fun while we’re doing it!

Our members live and work in the rural area.  This part of North Cumbria includes the towns of Brampton & Longtown and the many communities in Hadrian’s Wall country and up to the Scottish Border. Our club also works together with other Rotary Clubs based in the area.

We have an exciting programme of events and social activities.

Interested in finding out more about Rotary or like to get involved?  Contact us today by clicking on the 'Join Us' button towards the top right of this screen.

If you are a Visiting Rotarian spending time in North Cumbria you will be most welcome.  Use the 'Contact' button at the top left of this screen.

To find out more about our activities click on the What we do menu.

Fund raising - Whilst we aim to undertake practical, hands on, activities in our communities, we always need funds to support local and international good causes.  We value all the gifts that we receive so if you would like to donate please visit our Donate Page 






Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Metal Detection Rally 2025

Sun, Apr 6th 2025 10:00 am

Metal Detection Rally 2025

You can’t help but dream of that big find whilst Metal-Detecting in one of the foremost British areas for Roman finds... So come and join us on 6th April...


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 7:45pm

(1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Optional meal at 7.00pm. Booking for meal required. ) Howard Arms
1 Front Street
W3W:  //////stitch.graph.chaos

Web site about the locality

Get Directions

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values