'What We Do' Main Pages:
We have planted some purple crocuses near the Takeley Village sign to remind us all of the very successful but still ongoing campaign to eliminate polio from the world .
more12th April 2025. 6.30 for 7 pm @ Priors Green Community Hall Bennet Canfield, Little Canfield, Dunmow CM6 1YE £10 a head including ploughman’s supper.
moreThe new Rotary year starts on 1st July, with a new President. Maureen Best is President for 2024/5
moreWe held our first race night on Feb 17th, which was great fun for all and raised funds for the charity Accuro, which is based in Takeley
moreOpen Gardens event- June 22nd 2025 We are keen to hear from anyone who is willing to open their garden from 12-5 pm.
moreThere are competitions for young people aged 7-18. Young Artist Young Environmentalist Young Writer Young Photographer For an information pack and entry form, please contact rotaryintakeley@gmail.com
moreTakeley Rotary was chartered on 12th September 2022. President Maureen was given our charter at the inaugural meeting.