'What We Do' Main Pages:
The new Rotary year starts on 1st July, with a new President. Maureen Best is President for 2024/5
moreWe held our first race night on Feb 17th, which was great fun for all and raised funds for the charity Accuro, which is based in Takeley
moreWe have planted some purple crocuses near the Takeley Village sign to remind us all of the very successful but still ongoing campaign to eliminate polio from the world .
more12th April 2025. 6.30 for 7 pm @ Priors Green Community Hall Bennet Canfield, Little Canfield, Dunmow CM6 1YE £10 a head including ploughman’s supper.
moreOpen Gardens event- June 22nd 2025 We are keen to hear from anyone who is willing to open their garden from 12-5 pm.
moreThere are competitions for young people aged 7-18. Young Artist Young Environmentalist Young Writer Young Photographer For an information pack and entry form, please contact rotaryintakeley@gmail.com
moreTakeley Rotary was chartered on 12th September 2022. President Maureen was given our charter at the inaugural meeting.