Archery taster session with Derwent Bowmen

Mon, Sep 16th 2019 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Derwent Bowmen are hosting a taster  session for us on Monday 16th Sept.

Tuition from 6-8pm

Arrive 5.30 to be given equipment.

Light refreshments provided ( sandwiches crisps cake )

cost: £15

The club field is behind The Three Stags pub Darley Bridge

Parking and access is from Gold Close.(up the hill past pub first left into Gold Close)

Please would those wishing to come let me know numbers (open to partners etc) If there is a big response it will have to be first come.... I think they can take about 25-30.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Peter Wigglesworth Planting some of our Carbon Offset trees on the Eastern Moor

Planting trees to offset the carbon footprint from the annual car shows


Our online Fundraising Campaigns

Left to right, Bryn Apperley, David Brown, Christine Smith, Sadie Packard, David Monkhouse, Michelle Waters, Paul Edwards and Peter Wigglesworth

We offer Community Grants for up to £500 to local organisations


We Support the Local Foodbanks


We fundraise for good causes via our wishing wells


Each year we award two bursaries to students at Highfields School in Matlock to aid their Higher Education


Matlock Rotary are looking for new members

Planting Crocus Bulbs in Matlock

Matlock Rotary are supporting the Global End Polio Now Campaign

Rotarians Terry Fox and John Bent with the haul form the 2021 Spring Roadside Cleanup

Your Roadside or area a mess - we can help with a local litter pick


We manage the Defibrillator in Matlock Town Centre between the Market Hall and M&S Foodstore and have helped fund others in the Community


Matlock Rotary Fundraising Committee Activities


Our Joint International and Foundation Committee activities include :


Our Youth and Community committee provides a link between the Matlock Rotary Club and our activities in the local community.


Matlock Rotary GDPR policy
