The Rotary Foundation District Grants

Applications required by 25 April 2025


Updated January 2025

The Rotary Foundation District grants fund small-scale, short-term activities that address needs in your community and communities abroad.  Each district chooses which activities it will fund with these grants.  Rotary Clubs within our District should complete the application form at the bottom of this page before 25 April 2025.  

What district grants support

You can use district grants to fund a variety of district and club projects and activities, including:

  • Humanitarian projects, including service travel and disaster recovery efforts
  • Scholarships for any level, length of time, location, or area of study
  • Youth programs, including Rotary Youth Exchange, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotaract, and Interact
  • Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about their field or to learn more about it themselves

You have plenty of freedom to customize your service projects.  Refer to information found on the Members Only side of the Rotary International website by logging in using your My Rotary account.

How they are funded

Districts may use up to 50 percent of their District Designated Fund (DDF)  to receive one district grant annually.  This percentage is calculated based on the amount of DDF generated from a district’s Annual Fund giving three years prior, including Endowment Fund earnings. Districts are not required to request the full amount available.  The funding is received as a lump sum and then distributed to Rotary clubs.  Click here for an explanaion of DDF.


Clubs need to become qualified to apply for district grants.  Qualification sessions in Cumbria & Lancashire are usually held each autumn.  The next session is being held on Monday 3 February 2025.  Further details can be obtained from the District Foundation Team.  

All applications should become familiar with the Terms and Conditions for Foundation Global / District Grants, and understand the essentials of complying with the MOU (Memo of Understanding).  

Detailed information can be found on the Rotary International website by logging in with your My Rotary account.  In addition there are several very useful online learning courses on the RI Learning Centre.

Click here for help accessing the Rotary International website : 

How clubs request funds - complate a District Grant Application Form

District Grant Application Form 2025-2026   (Pdf)

District Grant Applicaton Form 2025 - 2026  (Word)

If your club is seeking district grant funding, you can apply directly to Sam Jones who is our District Grants Officer. 

    Sam JonesContact Sam Jones about this page:

    (ALL fields required)

    (If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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    Our Rotary Foundation

    back Doing Good in the World

    'What We Do' Main Pages:

    President David and his guests.

    Clitheroe Rotary Celebrates its 91st Birthday!


    Charter Night Dinner, Mitton Hall Oct. 24th.


    Sandy Morrison broadcasts live on Ribble106.7fm


    Clitheroe and Ribblesdale Rotary, working together with Clitheroe Roundtable and Santa!


    Care in the Community recognised by Clitheroe Rotary


    Community Service


    President David awards Paul Harris Fellowships to two worthy members.


    RC Clitheroe recognises Miles as its 1st District Governor.


    On a dry Friday and a very wet Saturday, we helped out at The Royal Lancashire Show and Last Night of the Proms on Clitheroe Castle. LNOP pictures courtesy of Eleanor Chew.

    The Beetle in Purple

    A service, a party frock and a christening...


    Over 260 riders took part on June 9th. A full report with details of the charity funds raised will follow in due course. Thank you to all who took part or volunteered to make the day such a success, despite the weather!


    Rotarians out in force on the streets of Clitheroe!


    We helped out at the Food Festival, supported our Immediate Past President and now Clitheroe Town Mayor Jenni at Last Night of the Proms and managed to fit in a little fun while gliding, with the help of Hon Sec Tony Perry!


    Results of the Santa 2023 Sleighride.


    This is being used by an adminstrator for training purposes - please ignore

    Santa meeting Ribble Valley children

    Lots of activities, raising funds and having fun!


    Ribblesdale High School pupils see their fruit of their labour.


    Sixteen Rotarians and friends are heling out at Clitheroe Health Centre each day.....


    March 2023 has seen Clitheroe Rotarians and friends jump into action for spring!


    The joint RC's Clitheroe and Ribblesdale Young Musician Competition was held at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School December 16th. 2017


    Pounds for Polio


    President's Night 2017


    Community gardening project expands...


    A Paul Harris Fellowship and a Community Service Award made just in time for Christmas!


    Lots of ideas from the Ideas Meeting


    Club Service


    And the public supported us...

    Bill Honeywell, Bill Birkett and Val Honeywell celebrating reaching the 542nd summit in 2016

    Bill reached his 542nd and final summit Saturday, 29 October.


    Sunday August 16th saw the team working behind the Station.


    President Frank presents Paul Harris Fellowships to Rotarians Howard Blackburn and David Openshaw


    We joined staff at the Rose & Crown to learn how to save lives...




    New Generations


    Return to Waddow Hall by Rotarians and friends to plant another 200 trees........


    A bumper turnout in the sunshine!

    RFE Australian team with their hosts at Mytton Fold Hotel, Langho.

    The Ozzies invaid Ribble Valley!


    Community litter pick to support the Queen's clean up your town initiative
