Donations Made from Wheels 2022

Details of local charities benefiting from Wheels 2022, organised by Wadebridge Rotary

Wheels raises £28,000

The final total raised by Wheels 2022 topped £28,000 by a whole £29.72 – a magnificent amount for our first year back since 2019.

That will have an amazing impact on 22 local charities, listed below. 10% of the funds raised is being retained, in line with recent practice, for donations later in the year, again restricted to local charities.

The largest amount, £2,500, was donated to the Sunrise Appeal, which contributes to the cost of new, up to date equipment for the Oncology Dept. at Treliske Hospital, also known as the Sunrise Centre of the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust. The Sunrise Centre provided great support to the late Rotarian Peter Marsh, one of the founders of Wheels over 20 years ago.

Most of the money raised has gone to physical and mental health charities across the county, including bereavement and wellbeing support. We are also supporting St Petroc’s in its work for the homeless, and the Wadebridge Foodbank. The remainder is for youth, community and heritage activities, all of which support our young people.

We are immensely grateful to all the people who bought tickets to the show, to the traders and caterers who paid for stands and to the exhibitors and others who made donations on-line or through the bucket collections on the day. Your cash will be helping 22 voluntary and charitable organisations to keep doing their valuable work. Thank you.

£2,500 Sunrise Appeal

£2,000 Cornwall Blood Bikes

£2,000 St. Petroc’s

£1,500 Chestnut Appeal (prostate cancer

£1,500 Penhaligons Friends (child bereavement)

£1,500 Children’s Hospice SW

£1,500 Cornwall Samaritans

£1,500 Cruse Cornwall (bereavement)

£1,500 Wadebridge Foodbank

£1,500 RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution)

£1,000 Cornwall Mind (mental health)

£1,000 FLEET (Front Line Emergency Equipment Trust)

£1,000 Friends of Bodmin Hospital

£1,000 Sowenna Appeal (young people’s mental health)

£800 St. Minver Scouts

£500 Concern Wadebridge

£500 Friends of Pencarrow

£500 Wadebridge Scouts

£500 The Keep (Bodmin)

£500 Bodmin & Wenford Trust

£500 Wadebridge Museum

£400 Bodmin Band

Report by Kevin Smith;   Photo by Liz Davey

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