We Meet Again

Wadebridge Rotary resumes face-to-face meetings

Rotary Live - again

It’s been a long time, as Mick Fleetwood said at Fleetwood Mac’s reunion concert. The last time we had an in-person Thursday Rotary meeting was in March 2020, when we welcomed John Young as our newest member. John was our host at The Granary last Thursday (13th Jan), cooking the meal and then clipping his name badge onto his chef’s uniform to join the discussion. John’s signature beef wellington was the highlight of the menu.

13 Rotarians turned up (14 with John), fewer than we normally get on Zoom. John had arranged spaced tables of no more than four seats and stated (on the menu) that only one person should be at the bar at any time. Staff wore masks. The main topic of discussion, once we’d got past lateral flow and PCR test experiences, was how to handle future meetings. After much airing of ideas and views, we decided to keep it simple.

 First Thursdays will be on Zoom, with a Council Meeting. Third Thursdays will also be on Zoom for the Business Meeting. Second and fourth Thursdays will be at the Granary: Fifth Thursdays, which happen once a quarter, to be decided. To ensure that no one is wholly out of the loop, the Secretary, John Pomeroy, will continue to circulate a summary of every meeting, and Council minutes will continue to be published on the website with email notification. (This will be taken to the business meeting next Thursday.)

January’s draw winners were Keith Snelling and Graham Renwick, and we had a sergeant-at-arms double act from Ceri Goodfellow and Martin Broadfoot, causing a general scrabble around for 20p coins.

18th January 2022

Report: Kevin Smith   Photos: Martin Broadfoot

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Thanks to all who donated to this staggering amount. For an up-to-date figure see the Stop Press line at the foot of the page.

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Wadebridge Rotary resumes face-to-face meetings


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Report and some images of Wadebridge Wheels 2022


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Details of Wheels 2016, Wheels 2017 and Wheels 2018


Will contain reports of donation made from the proceeds of this yer's Wheels event


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How Wadebridge Rotary Club helps in the community


Rotary Club's Support for International projects


Charities supported during the various Rotary Years (1st July to 30th June)
