
Club Organisation and Committee Structure

Club Council

Club Council is the governing body of the club. It meets monthly and is responsible for the running of the club (encompassing financial and membership aspects, but not the service activities of the club). Club Council comprises:

  • The President (Chairman of Club Council)
  • President Elect and Chairman of Club Service Committee
  • Vice President
  • Immediate Past President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Chairman of Community / Vocational Committee
  • Chairman of Foundation Committee
  • Chairman of International Committee
  • Chairman of Youth Service Committee
  • Ordinary Member
  • Ordinary Member

District Council Representatives

Although Rotary Clubs  are autonomous, a number of clubs form a district and in Great Britain and Ireland there are are 27 districts with over 1,800 clubs. The RC of Wadebridge forms part of District 1175 covering Cornwall and Devon.

Each District has a District Council, which meets 3 times a year to determine the district budget, activities and policies for the clubs within the district. The RC of Wadebridge has 2 delegates to represent the club on the District Council. The operation of the District Council might be likened to parliament, where our club representatives act as MPs.

Club Service/Membership Committee

Club Service means simply service within the club. The Club Service Committee manages the club diary,monitors the facilities provided by the host venue (e.g., the quality of meals and service) and organises social functions (such as ladies evenings and the President's Night).  The strength of any organisation lies in effective membership. The Club Membership Committee is responsible for membership development and retention.

Community / Vocational Committee

Community Service concerns the work done by Rotarians in their own, local area. Vocational Service involves Rotarians bringing to Rotary the knowledge, skills and expertise that they have acquired in their jobs. The Community and Vocational Service Committee will examine and respond to the needs of people in their area who are less fortunate, handicapped or deprived, but it may also become involved with environmental issues.

Foundation Committee

The Rotary Foundation is the charitable trust fund of Rotary International, which was set up to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian and educational programmes. Programmes undertaken by the Foundation include the worldwide eradication of polio, sponsoring international group study exchange visits, providing scholarships that focus on the obstacles that impede international co-operation and peace (e.g., war, famine, poverty and disease), and providing matching grants to Rotary Clubs and Districts to undertake more locally based humanitarian programmes.

International Committee

International Service promotes the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through the eradication of ill health, malnutrition and deprivation. It also includes the provision of relief and support to both natural and man-made catastrophes.   The club supports ShelterBox and other international aid organisations by street collections.

Youth Service

Youth Service cover 3 main areas: the promotion of service and understanding amongst young people, the identification and development of young leaders, and the celebration of young peoples' achievements. In practice, support for youth activities is usually provided in concert with the Community and Vocational Service Committee.   We support the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.

Wheels Committee

Wadebridge Wheels is a display of older vehicles held every July at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge.  In addition, there are trade stands, a car boot, childrens entertainment and refreshments.   It is now an established event and is the major fund raiser for the club.   More details can be found on their own website. 


The Rotary Club of Wadebridge Trust Fund is a registered charity, No. 286638, and is operated by the Club.   There are four trustees, who are all club members elected to that office.

Trustees make sure the charity is running well and is doing what it was set up to do. This includes ensuring the charity: - has the money it needs - spends its money sensibly, on the activities it was raised for - follows the law, including preparing reports and accounts to send to the Charity Commission* - doesn’t break the rules in its governing document (its constitution, trust deed or articles).   Charity trustees make decisions about their charity together, working as a team.   Decisions don’t usually need to be unanimous as long as the majority of trustees agree.   Trustees should assess potential risks carefully before making a decision, especially before the charity enters into any contracts or borrows money.   It’s extremely rare for trustees to become personally liable for the charity losing money BUT this could happen if trustees, for example, behave irresponsibly or dishonestly, causing the charity to lose money or don’t take appropriate steps to manage serious risks, for example, by following procedures.

Legal responsibilities of trustees; all trustees must: - follow the law and the rules in the charity’s governing document - act responsibly and only in the interests of the charity - use reasonable care and skill - make well-informed decisions, taking advice if/when appropriate.

 * accounts only need to be filed if annual trust income exceeds £25,000

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Report and some images of Wadebridge Wheels 2022


Wadebridge Rotary receives a Shelter Box award for previous donations

Crocuses in bloom

Wadebridge Rotary Club commemorating End Polio Now


Wadebridge Rotary Club team wins the Inner Wheel Quiz.


Wadebridge Rotary holds a successful collection to provide aid for victims of the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria


Thanks to all who donated to this staggering amount. For an up-to-date figure see the Stop Press line at the foot of the page.


Wadebridge Rotary supports small loans to entrepreneurs from poor communities worldwide.


Wadebridge Rotarians on a charity walk to raise funds for ShelterBox


Wadebridge Rotary celebrates 60 year's of Rotary service


Details of local charities benefiting from Wheels 2022, organised by Wadebridge Rotary


Wadebridge Rotary resumes face-to-face meetings


Wadebridge Rotary holds a social evening back-stage


With Wadebridge Wheels 2020 being cancelled, Wadebridge Rotary holds a Web Wheels instead.


Wadebridge Rotary's President's Night on the Bodmin & Wenford Railway


How you can be made aware of fraudulent emails


Wadebridge Rotary holds successful event in aid of The Cove Macmillan Support Centre at Treliske.


Wadebridge Rotary Club supports the Rotary Foundation which is our international charity.


Wadebridge Rotary holds a wine tasting event to raise money towards Rotary's polio eradication programme


Details of Wheels 2016, Wheels 2017 and Wheels 2018


​Outreach Paramedics - Helping Ukraine


Wadebridge Rotary donates new kit for the girls teams of Wadebridge Football CLub


Will contain reports of donation made from the proceeds of this yer's Wheels event


Wadebridge Rotary Club supports local young people


How Wadebridge Rotary Club helps in the community


Rotary Club's Support for International projects


Charities supported during the various Rotary Years (1st July to 30th June)
