Hugh Reed, Rotarian and Torrington Historian

We record with sadness and deepest gratitude the passing last year of both Hugh and his wife Linda.

Hugh Reed (left of photo) with fellow Rotarians during a visit to the Brain Tumour research facility at Derriford Hospital.

Hugh Reed joined Torrington Rotary Club several years ago, following his move back to the town from Selby.   Born and raised in Torrington, Hugh was an avid supporter of the town and a lover of history.   He authored articles and books on the town (a keen interest was his Devon ancestry), and he was particulary interested in supporting any initiative which would enhance community life.

Educated initially at St. George's School in Torrington, he moved to Lindfield School in Bideford in 1938 and later to Blundell's School, Tiverton.    The difficulties of the war years affected his early life, as his parents met the challenges of managing the family's farm, wool and agricultural businesses.  Hugh was raised largely by other close family, and learnt initiative and independence at an early age.

Unsurprisingly, Hugh opted for a career in Veterinary Science and studied at Bristol University, where his sporting prowess also developed.... but not enough to beat his cousin Brian who ran in the 1960 Olympics, a source of irritation! 

Hugh's studies took him to London for a PhD, which is where he met his future wife, Linda.  Following his PhD award in 1967, they moved to Yorkshire where they lived and worked for 50 years.  Hugh's work centred on animal production and especially research into pig fertility, involving overseas travel to introduce his pioneering work.  He steered the Pig-Breeding Centre through privatisation and it is largely due to his involvement that it is still operating, 60 years after its foundation.

Hugh's membership of Rotary started with the Selby Rotary Club.  He also (at the behest of Linda) joined the Selby Cookery Club, but this was short-lived as he saw no real need to learn when he had such a capable chef at home.  

Retirement for them both brought them back to Devon and to live in the refurbished barn adjacent to the farmhouse he was born in.   Hugh rekindled his passion for local history, joining the Devonshire Association and researching many topics, which resulted in a book about Torrington.     A keen supporter of our Torrington Museum, Hugh donated the sale proceeds to it;   the Museum is hoping to open a room in his honour in 2022, which our club will support.

Both Hugh and Linda fell ill in 2019/2020, and despite battling bravely, they passed away within 3 months of each other in 2021.   We remember them both with great fondness and huge appreciation for all they brought to us and to Torrington.

Rotarian Pat Grimwood-Taylor.

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Hugh Reed (left of photo) with fellow Rotarians during a visit to the Brain Tumour research facility at Derriford Hospital.

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