Club Service

Club Service & Membership information

Lucy Lowe & Leighroy Hearn with President Stephen Saywell

Club members please log in for more information.

Our Club Service/Membership team, chaired by Melanie Butler, is here to run our club and ensure we can all enjoy our membership and our meetings.

We often have speakers from many different walks of life -  Ruth Croome from Mercy Ships visited us last October,  Marion Pollinger told us of her grandfather's wartime exploits,  Lucy Lowe & Leighroy Hearn briefed us on their outdoor music events and hopes for a Torrington concert  (see photo above, with our club President Stephen Saywell),  and Paula Fuller came to update us on Torriyouth. 

Some of our speakers work for charities, others have fascinating, unusual careers or hobbies.   All bring the wider world for us to enjoy!

We have an exciting list of speakers coming from June to December 2024,  see our programme of meetings and speakers under 'Future Events'  on the 'Meetings & Events' tag.

Melanie ButlerContact Melanie Butler about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Club Service sub-pages:

Bob Batmen's President's Night

Happy Birthday to Rtn. Bob Bateman

more Torrington Rotary celebrated Bob's milestone birthday in April, with gifts and a wonderful cake from Torrington Golf Club.

Hugh Reed (left of photo) with fellow Rotarians during a visit to the Brain Tumour research facility at Derriford Hospital.

Hugh Reed, Rotarian and Torrington Historian

more We record with sadness and deepest gratitude the passing last year of both Hugh and his wife Linda.

Peter Adams

more It is with great sadness that we record the passing of Founder Member and Past President Rotarian Peter Adams.