6.30 for 7.00pm MEMBERSHIP EVENING

Wed, Sep 25th 2019 at 12:00 am -

Membership Evening - Will be organised by the Club Membership Team, (TL Sharon.)

Club members please log in for more information.


Membership Evening:
Wednesday 25th Sept 2019

An Evening to which prospective members and their partners will be invited, consisting of a Vietnamese meal, an interesting / entertaining speaker and fellowship provided by our members and partners.
It is hoped that among these guests we will find some that are interested in joining our club.

The venue will be the Westberry Hotel, at the usual cost of £15.00 per head, but the prospective members and partners will be free as guests of the club.

All the prospective members will be sent a personal invitation from the President.  It will not be necessary to make contact before, but some members may want to assess individual interest before an invitation is sent.

Please would club members submit prospective names, addresses and brief details to Sharon by 31st July, so that the Membership Team can fully consider invitations and arrangements.

It is not intended to have any intensive presentations about Rotary or becoming a member, but reference will be made to the fellowship and work that Rotarians do, during the Presidents speech.  Some membership leaflets will be made available from our Club and District if required.

Membership TL


A total of 46 will be attending, which includes 20 guests .

MEAL:  Vietnamese sit-down buffet - named tables.

SPEAKER:  Bob Bosisto Wadebridge Antique Centre / Auctions - Display of items for members & guests to value.

TIME:  Normal  6.30 for 7.00 pm meal.

SEATING PLAN > Select >  190924MembSeating.pdf


'What We Do' Main Pages:

BODMIN ROTARY - annual collection Dec. 2023.... THANK YOU


LATEST What have members been doing.... UPDATED


5th June - In celebration of the Queens 70th Jubilee. A social car run - BODMIN to PENZANCE - Fantastic event enjoyed by 1000's - See SLIDESHOW....


A childrens community event supported by Bodmin Rotary Club


Bodmin Rotary visit to Fowey Lifeboat Station.


Local motorcycle group helping in the Community.


A local community based scheme to help those in need of food. Supported by Bodmin Rotary. SEE SLIDESHOW


Band & Choir in concert, St. Petrocs Church Bodmin - REPORT


Support for Rotary District Appeal for accommodation.


April 15th 2023 - Avalen Farm Suite


2nd June - National Fire Beacons Tribute was lit through-out the UK - Event organised by Bodmin Town Council in Partnership with Bodmin Rotary Club. Fantastic Event - See SLIDE SHOW ....


Bodmin Rotary are linked with E- Keystone Club 7280 based in the USA, who are doing a lot of work supplying bespoke wheelchairs to TANZANIA.


Why do we need financial support....


A Message from the Mayor & Mayoress of Bodmin.


Held in Bodmin - St. Petrocs Church every year. Bodmin Rotary Tree is one of 70 + on display.


Brief Club History


Interact Club for 12-18year olds - supported by The Rotary Clubs of Bodmin & Lostwithiel.


Bodmin Rotary Club - Ongoing support.


Inner Wheel - Bodmin, GB&I, International....
