Masque Players Panto

Wed, Nov 29th 2017 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

West Wycombe Village Hall

On 29th November 2017 no less than 30 Rotarians helped to make the evening for our 82 guests at the Masque Players annual Pantomime dress rehearsal very enjoyable.  This year the pantomime was Robin Hood - a very merry tale - and it was great fun.  Oh yes it was!!
Amongst our guests were a number of Young Carers who just about stole the show with their fantastic interaction with the cast.  Everybody seemed to enjoy the evening which went off without any real hitches.
The best way of summing up the evening is to give a few quotes from our guests:

"The past WI members and I wanted to thank you & your fellow Roatrians for organising such a splendid evening for everyone, my goodness me the cast did work hard, full credit to them, & also those little carers, such a delight.."

"Thank you …all members of Bucks Vision had a great time

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