Working with Rotary

How can you work with Rotary?

Ways you can work with Rotary

  • Become a Corporate Member – and deliver your CSR through us.
  • Encourage employees to join.
  • Use your network and influence to help Rotary.
  • Get involved with Rotary projects in the community. We are always looking for specific skills; gifts in kind, pro bono work.
  • Sponsor Rotary events.
  • Get involved with mentoring young people through Rotary.
  • Get involved with career seminars.
  • Get involved: just turn out and help.
  • If you are in education ask about our many Youth programmes. 
  • Put your staff through the annual Rotary Young Leader Award – an intense one week team building and leadership course. 
  • Know any youngsters who would benefit from going abroad for periods of up to a year on the Rotary Youth Exchange Programme?
  • Concerned about your community – ask your local Rotary Club how they may be able to help.
Contact us via the Contact tab top left on our home page.

Rotary and your Business – working with Rotary

In 1905 Rotary started as a philanthropic organisation for business people with a social conscience. Since then, that has been our business.

But, as you well know, it’s not all about doing good for your business, there is the personnel development and personal feel-good factor that goes with making a difference to others: changing lives, saving lives and giving hope.

We can help deliver your Corporate Social Responsibility.

There are many ways that your business could work with Rotary and make a real difference. Click here

Or, if you want to know more about how you and your employees can benefit by joining Rotary, click here 

If you or your business is interested in working with the world’s largest service organisation contact us 

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more Making change, socialising and making new connections- What more could you want?

Paul Harris - our Founder


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