Torrington Rotary at Great Torrington School

The Netball Team gets new kit

GTS team models new kit
GTS team models new kit

Our Rotary Club works closely with Great Torrington School.   Prior to COVID we organised many competitions for students,  including Young Musician, Young Chef, Young Photographer and Young Writer.  Unfortunately due to the pressures of changes inflicted by Covid,  schools must conentrate on the core education, so relaunching Rotary activities is a huge challenge.

However in 2021 we were delighted to assist with the purchase of new kit for the netball team..... our photograph shows Rotarian David Large (back row left) at the presentation ceremony.    Good Luck GTS Netball Team!

Rotarian Andrew Hill is working almost full-time at Great Torrington School supporting children whose education has beem impacted by Covid.   He is hoping that some of our competitions can relaunch during the next year.  Well done Andy!   Please do contact him if you would like to help.

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GTS team models new kit

Youth Service

back Rotarian Youth Chairman John Harrison with Di and Anna