Royal Navy lunch - Feb 2018

Thursday 15th February, a presentation by the Royal Navy to members with our wives and partners and guests from other local clubs.

Royal Navy lunch

A capacity crowd of about 60 members, with wives and partners and many guests enjoyed a delicious lunch followed by a fascinating presentation from the Royal Navy.

We welcomed guests from Rotary Orpington, Rotary Langley Park, Rotary West Wickham and Rotary Gateshead to this special lunch, together with Chris Boulton representing the charity FPIZ and of course, our wives, partners and personal guests.

After lunch the Royal Navy team gave us a most interesting and stimulating insight into the modern Royal Navy, all it's constituent parts and it's capabilities. The Royal Navy is considered to be the senior service, as is appropriate to an island nation. We learned that it may be smaller in numbers but greatly enhanced in terms of firepower.

The presentation was warmly received by the audience who had numerous questions.

Finally, a generous vote of thanks was proposed by past President Brian.


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