The annual international quiz and fish 'n chips supper is held at the Emmanuel United Reformed Church West Wickham, when the teams hotly contest the outcome. This year the event was completely sold out and there were a total of 14 tables on the evening. We are grateful to our local fellow Rotary clubs for their generous support, which resulted in a record of over £1,100 raised for our chosen charity.
In 2016, the proceeds from our quiz and raffle were donated to Laissez l'Afrique Vivre, a charity based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which supports and trains young girls and their children and trains young boys in a skill which will hopefully enable them to earn a living.
Bill's team and Richard's team
Two Richards and their teams
John keeping score
Bill's team , deep in thought
Richard's team ...dittoXXX
Peter's team ... pensive
Two Richards ... again
Leslie's team ... confident
Mike's team ... thoughtful
Elmers End Church team ... 2016 winners
Rotary West Wickham ... one of the two teams
The winners in 2017 ... Rotary West Wickham
Peter the Rafflemaster .... with the tickets in the MSF bag
Lucky raffle winners at Leslie's table
More lucky raffle winners at Elmers End table
Bill presents a raffle prize to Mike and Joan
Andy, with Sue, Alison and Joan
Congratulations to the Rotary West Wickham team, for a convincing win, with 92 out of a possible 110 points. This was a fun evening with delicious local fish and chips and prizes of wine for the quiz winners.
Our thanks go to Rev. Bill Bowman for providing the venue and for acting as our quizmaster. Our thanks also for the generosity of members who donated raffle prizes.
After Rotary lunch in April, President Charles and Rev. Bill presented our cheque for over £1,100 to Stephen Legg of MSF, who had joined us for lunch and who gave a most interesting talk about the work of MSF.
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