Rotary Scholarships

The Rotary Foundation awards scholarships through global grants to graduate-level applicants from our District when funds allow.

The following rules apply when available funding for this programme is advertised.

In the first instance please contact Alison Sutherland for information on the availability of funding and support in assessing whether the candidate meets The Rotary Foundation criteria. 

Global Grant Scholars plan to pursue a career in one of the 7 Areas of Focus, and their graduate-level educational goals should support this career interest. 


Minimum $30,000 which is paid out of the Global Grant with 80% matching from the World Fund. There is no requirement for a club contribution.

The award will cover costs of tuition, room and board, inoculations, medical insurance and relevant travel expenses but the applicant will be responsible for clothing and personal items of expenditure and taxes arising as a result of receiving the scholarship. More information is available on request.

Period and level of study

One to four years of graduate study. The applicant must live in the host district and be willing to present to local Rotary clubs when requested.


The applicant must be proficient in the language of the host district.


Available online and must be submitted to the applicant's local Rotary club. Global Grant Scholarship proposals and applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year but this grant cannot be used to fund studies which have already begun.


Applications and payment information should be submitted at least three months before studies begin in order to allow adequate time for Foundation review and processing.

Applicants must be accepted to a specific university and provide proof of admission at the time of application.

Finding and interviewing eligible candidates  

Global grant scholars plan to pursue a career in an Area of Focus, and their graduate-level educational goals should support this career interest. We may work with local universities to find potential scholars from our District. 

Pursuing a career in an Area of Focus means the scholar has a long-term commitment to measurable, sustainable change. Potential candidates should be able to demonstrate that they can support the Area of Focus goals and demonstrate work experience in these fields.

Ideal candidates should be able to demonstrate;

•    Excellent leadership skills and potential, 

•    Proven record of success in his/her academic field or vocation, 

•    Personal commitment to community service,

•    Well-defined and realistic goals, 

•    Concrete ideas as to how he/she will make advances within his/her chosen career field,

•    Sincerity about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the scholarship period 

Scholar Reporting

As with all Rotary grants, reports must be submitted by the scholar to sponsoring Rotarians

•    First Report within 12 months of receiving first payment

•    Subsequent Reports every 12 months thereafter for the duration of the scholarship

•    Final Report within 2 months of the completion of the scholarship.

Sponsor roles and responsibilities  

Once you’ve chosen a candidate and provided him/her with a copy of the grant terms and conditions, contact the host district to confirm that they have no overdue reports, agree to the partnership and designate primary contacts.

Help candidate to prepare a budget and submit application at least 3 months before studies commence. Deal with any requests for further information promptly and agree payment schedule online.

Following outbound orientation and departure to host district, continue to correspond regularly with scholar, encourage sharing of concerns and monitor reporting.

At completion of the scholarship arrange speaking engagements in District, ensure completion of final reports and encourage membership of the Alumni Association.


Alison SutherlandContact Alison Sutherland about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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