Sustaining Members

A Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member is a person who contributes US$100 or more per year to the Annual Programs Fund.

Why are Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members critical to the Foundation?

Rotarians recognise that without sustained support of the Annual Programs Fund, the programmes of The Rotary Foundation cannot happen. With contributions of US$100 from every member every year, Rotary could nearly double its efforts to help needy people the world over, supporting the continued growth of programmes.

Become a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Today

When you make a contribution to Rotary, you can be assured that your gift will be used to its fullest by Rotarians throughout the world.

Rotarians who give US$100 or more to the Annual Programmes Fund (Annual Giving) will automatically become Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members. Each and every Sustaining Member’s gift to The Rotary Foundation is a gift of hope to those less fortunate. Every gift truly makes a difference in someone's life.

What do I have to do in the UK to become a Foundation Sustaining Member?

All Donations to Foundation in the UK can attract Gift Aid if the Rotarian is a tax payer to the UK government. The current tax benefit is 25%, so for every £1.00 donated, The Rotary Foundation will receive £1.25. With the exchange rate at $1.33 to the pound and with Gift Aid, by donating £61 each year a Rotarian will become a Foundation Sustaining Member.  For Higher Rate tax payers this would be lower.

A simple way of dealing with this is to fill out a Gift Aid Form and a Bankers Order for, say, £6.00 per month and write in capital letters "THIS IS FOR SUSTAINING MEMBER STATUS" on both forms. Paying £6.00 per month will allow for variations in exchange rates, will have little financial impact and offers peace of mind that he donation has been made.  

Once the forms have been filled in send them to Rotary GB&I, Kinwarton Road, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6PB. The forms are appended below.

One other benefit is that Paul Harris Fellowship points commensurate with the donation will be allocated to both the individual and their club. In other words they are double counted!

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Foundation - General

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