The Rotary Foundation

Addressing the big problems in the world

Providing clean drinking water - from RGB&I image gallery
Providing clean drinking water - from RGB&I image gallery

The Rotary Foundation

Since it started in 1917 with a $26.50 endownment, The Rotary Foundation has to date given out $3 billion to humanitarian efforts worldwide.

Our motto is simply "Doing Good in the World"

The Rotary Foundation is today tackling some of humanities greatest challenges:

  • Fighting disease
  • Supporting education
  • Providing clean water and sanitation
  • Growing local economies
  • Saving mothers and children
  • Promoting peace
  • Protecting the Environment

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about the work of The Rotary Foundation please email

    For Members

    Please visit the members only page by logging in and selecting "Foundation for Members" where you will find all the information you need on Grants etc.

    To donate and/or to become a Sustaining Member, Please click here

    Doing Good With The Rotary Foundation

    (Main photo from RGB&I image galery)

    The Rotary Foundation pages:

    Basic Education & Literacy - photo by RGB&I template website

    Basic Education & Literacy

    more Supporting Education is one The Rotary Foundation's seven areas of focus

    DG Ray Dixon & others Walk the Dome 2016

    Eradicating Polio

    more Rotary's fight to eradicate polio from this world

    Rotary purple crocus

    Purple 4 Polio

    more Rotary going Purple for a polio-free world!