
District Governor

Peter Hamilton PHF

Assistant Governor

Chris Thorpe MPHF

Assistant Governor

Wayne Morgan

Assistant Governor

Mary Adams PHF

Assistant Governor

Ian Hughes MPHF

Assistant Governor

Brian Pippen MPHF

Public Image Team Leader

Maggie Hughes MPHF

International Service Team Leader

Bob Wilson MPHF

Youth Service Team Leader

David Curtis PHF

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG)

Clive Edwards PHF

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Alison Sutherland PHF

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Ray Bevan PHF

Safeguarding Officer

Rob Chick

Assistant District Secretary

Robin Pitcher PHF

Environment Officer

Geoff Gunson MPHF

Leadership Development & Training

Steve Jenkins MPHF


Jeffrey Hobden PHF

Community Team Leader

Paula Pippen PHF

Primary Webmaster

Ian Hughes MPHF

Public Relations

Rob Lloyd

Grants Subcommittee Chair

Andrew Lane MPHF

Interact Chair

Gwenda Griffiths MPHF

Polio Plus Chair

Mansel Thomas PHF

Rotary Fellowships Chair

Alan Thorpe MPHF

Conference Registrar

Ann Budd

District Simplified Grants

Andrew Lane MPHF


Gwenda Griffiths MPHF

Shelter Box

Gareth Rees PHF

Conference Secretary

Russell Thomas PHF

Conf House of Friendship

Russell Thomas PHF

Stewardship Committee Chair

Paul Bulpin PHF

Peace Programme

Alison Sutherland PHF

Peace Programme

Alison Sutherland PHF

Alumni Officer

Steve Jenkins MPHF

Rotaract Officer

Alison Sutherland PHF

Youth Exchange Officer

Eric Blackwell PHF

Information Technology

Ian Hughes MPHF

Data Protection Officer

Ian Hughes MPHF


Gareth Rees PHF

DMS Officer

Ian Hughes MPHF

New Gen. Service Exchange

Liz Davies PHF

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary in Southern Wales has over many years and continues to help with dementia in our communities.


Rotary GB&I now have a two-year partnership with Bipolar UK to help reach and support more people affected by Bipolar. Rotary International President Gordon McInally visits the Bipolar UK stand at the Rotary Volunteer Expo.


Rotary's own Charity


Contains content from various District Leadership and Training Seminars


Community and International Projects Linked to Rotary in Southern Wales


Some of the Brilliant Projects on in District 1150


Compliance Main Page

Showcase logo

This page has links to the 2021 Conference Showcase and to a list of available speakers from the showcase organisations.


Under the current circumstances school pupils have to do much of their learning online, but there are many who are disadvantaged by having no access or shared access to their essential learning. These Rotary projects are trying to help.


The District Continuity and Operations Teams are taking this outbreak very seriously and your safety and well being and our duty of care is of paramount importance to us.
