Future events in Area 1

Wednesday 31st Jul - Wednesday 31st Jul

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Steak and Bowls evening at the Grove TBC

As always, we will enjoy this evening, with steak, peas and chips ( or fish/veg option) plus a game of ten pin bowling. TBC

Saturday 24th Aug - Saturday 24th Aug

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Knighton show and carnival

We will have a stall at this local show which will give us a presence here....

Sunday 13th Oct - Sunday 13th Oct

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Car rally parking stewarding VSCC hill climb

We will steward this exciting event and raise money for the Air Ambulances and local charities.

Wednesday 30th Oct - Wednesday 30th Oct

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Steak and Bowls evening at the Grove in Leominster

As always, we will enjoy this evening, with steak, peas and chips ( or fish/veg option) plus a game of ten pin bowling.

Friday 15th Nov - Friday 15th Nov

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Quiz (BYO supper and drinks) for local charities

This quiz will be held this evening, for local charities, at the Leintwardine Village Hall.

Tuesday 10th Dec - Tuesday 10th Dec

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Christmas collection at the Knighton CO-OP

This will be our annual Christmas collection.

Wednesday 18th Dec - Wednesday 18th Dec

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Christmas dinner - venue TBC

This will be our annual Christmas get together.

Wednesday 29th Jan - Wednesday 29th Jan

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Steak and Bowls evening at the Grove in Leominster

As always, we will enjoy this evening, with steak, peas and chips ( or fish/veg option) plus a game of ten pin bowling.

Friday 21st Feb - Friday 21st Feb

Rotary Club of Knighton & District - Quiz (BYO supper and drinks) for local charities

This quiz will be held this evening, for local charities, at the Leintwardine Village Hall.