Dhullikel Dreams

Wed, Oct 19th 2016 at 7:00 pm- Mon, Oct 31st 2016 - 10:00 pm

Here are some photos of last nights inspiring talk by John and Paula Davis (a Penrith Rotary member). They showed many amazing photos of their recent three month visit to Nepal.

Here are some photos of last nights inspiring talk by John and Paula Davis (a Penrith Rotary member). They showed many amazing photos of their recent three month visit to Nepal. Their enthusiasm was tremendous and their commitment to return and do even more for those they met in Nepal was evident. During the trip they both taught in schools and also totally refurbished the kitchen of a local Blind children's hostel. They spent a total of £600 on projects which they had raised from various sources, and including some of their own money, during the visit. A collection after the talk raised about £145 which they hope to use to further improve the blind Hostel on their next trip. A great example of two young people making a significant difference to the lives of those less fortunate in a country recently devastated by earthquakes. Well done to them both.

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Eden Swim School 2018

The Rotary Club of Penrith invites you to enter a team in our Swimathon. This fun event is intended to provide you with an opportunity to raise funds for your own preferred charity, good cause, club or team – or for this year’s Rotary supported charities


Charity Burns Night Supper


Golf Tournament


Penrith Rotary walks for Pudsey


Rotary Ride for Prostate Cancer


Penrith Rotary Activities


Annual reports giving details of fundraising undertaken and charities supported during the year.
