Chislehurst Rotary has adopted the following two safeguarding policies and these guide our workings with both children and vulnerable adults​.
Rotary Great Britain & Ireland produces standard policy documents that clubs then adopt.
Chislehurst Rotary has adopted the following two safeguarding policies, and these guide our workings with both children and vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding Policy-Vulnerable Adults
These will be reviewed and re-adopted each year.
The Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO) is Gary Brooks. Contact via link below.
Any complaint or incident regarding safeguarding of either Children or Vulnerable Adults will be reported by the CSO
more Each year the Rotary Club of Chislehurst raises funds through a variety of activities and events. These help us support local, national and international good causes.
more Links to useful Chislehurst area websites
more We meet in Camden Place, the magnificent clubhouse of Chislehurst Golf Club, which was built around 1717 and was, for a while during the 1870s, the home of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie and their son the Prince Imperial.
more Our club's brochure is shown below. It is widely available throughout Chislehurst, at libraries, medical practices and clinics, and other places (such as hotels and pubs) that provide local or tourist information.
back Our members enjoy an active social programme and the opportunity to help others. The Rotary Club encourages service to the community both locally and internationally.