For the last 20 or more years The Bromley Rotary Club has invited representatives from three of its local secondary schools to tell them about their hopes and aspirations.

On Tuesday the 19th of March, a teacher and two sixth-formers (Year 11) from Coopers, Ravens Wood and Hayes Schools joined us for lunch at The Warren, Hayes.

To a packed audience Rene (from Ravens Wood), Ofure and Steve (from Coopers) and Rose (from Hayes) spoke passionately and articulately about the challenges they have faced and their ambitious aspirations for the future. This was not a competition but an opportunity for a spot of public speaking for the young people, and for Rotary Club members, many not in the first flush of youth, to hear from them first-hand. And very impressive they were!

After the speeches Mr Jared Nehra, Bromley’s Director of Education, gave a brief thank you, congratulating the students and thanking the schools for their participation in this event.

Students and teachers from Ravens Wood School, Coopers School, Mr Jared Nehra (Director of Education), and Hayes School (left to right) at Bromley Rotary’s Schools Day


For Further information:

John Bruce
Bromley Rotary Club

Email: john_bruce@ntl

'What We Do' Main Pages:

For the last 20 or more years The Bromley Rotary Club has invited representatives from three of its local secondary schools to tell them about their hopes and aspirations.


Rotary is an organization of business and professional men and women united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.


The Michael Project, The Freddie Farmer Foundation and the Mayor's Charity


Passport Clubs are a new concept in Rotary which cater to those who do not have the time to meet every week but who still wish to have a way of contributing within their local community.


The campaign to completely eradicate Polio from the world is getting closer.


You can help change the world!


Rotary is one of the world’s largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.2 million members in 35,000 clubs in over 200 countries.


A brief view of some of the deserving causes we have supported during the last year.


Community Service is one of the most important aspects of Bromley Rotary. It demonstrates the motto of Rotarians world-wide:
'Service Above Self'


Each year the Rotary Club of Bromley raises funds through a variety of activities and events. These help us support local, national and international good causes. We try and give as much 'hands-on' help that we can locally.


Brief details for Social page


Brief details for International page
